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Английский язык с Г. Уэллсом "Человек-невидимка" - H. Wells

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recipient [rI`sIpIqnt], aghast [q`gRst], dressing-gown [`dresINgaun]

Kemp’s face became white. He tried to grip the door handle with both hands. For a moment he stood lugging. Then the door gave six inches. But he got it closed again. The second time it was jerked a foot wide, and the dressing-gown came wedging itself into the opening. His throat was gripped by invisible fingers, and he left his hold on the handle to defend himself. He was forced back, tripped and pitched heavily into the corner of the landing. The empty dressing-gown was flung on the top of him.

Halfway up the staircase was Colonel Adye, the recipient of Kemp’s letter, the chief of the Burdock police. He was staring aghast at the sudden appearance of Kemp, followed by the extraordinary sight of clothing tossing empty in the air. He saw Kemp felled, and struggling to his feet. He saw him rush forward, and go down again, felled like an ox.

Then suddenly he was struck violently (вдруг его /чем-то/ сильно ударило). By nothing (ничем = из пустоты)! A vast weight, it seemed, leapt upon him (казалось, огромная тяжесть навалилась на него; to leap — прыгать, скакать), and he was hurled headlong down the staircase (и его швырнули вниз по лестнице), with a grip on his throat and a knee in his groin (схватив за горло и ударив коленом в пах). An invisible foot trod on his back (невидимая нога наступила ему на спину), a ghostly patter passed downstairs (призрачные ноги зашлепали вниз по лестнице), he heard the two police officers in the hall shout and run (он услышал, как два полисмена в прихожей вскрикнули и побежали), and the front door of the house slammed violently (и входная дверь с шумом/яростно захлопнулась).

He rolled over and sat up staring (полковник перевернулся и сел, тараща глаза). He saw, staggering down the staircase, Kemp, dusty and disheveled (он увидел, как, шатаясь, спускается Кемп, пыльный и растрепанный), one side of his face white from a blow, his lip bleeding (одна щека: «сторона» лица побелела от удара, из губы шла кровь), and a pink dressing-gown and some underclothing held in his arms (в руках он держал розовый халат и белье).

“My God (Боже мой)!” cried Kemp (крикнул Кемп), “the game’s up (все пропало; the game is up — всекончено, всепропало, играпроиграна)! He’s gone (он удрал)!”

weight [weIt], knee [nJ], ghostly [`gqustlI]

Then suddenly he was struck violently. By nothing! A vast weight, it seemed, leapt upon him, and he was hurled headlong down the staircase, with a grip on his throat and a knee in his groin. An invisible foot trod on his back, a ghostly patter passed downstairs, he heard the two police officers in the hall shout and run, and the front door of the house slammed violently.

He rolled over and sat up staring. He saw, staggering down the staircase, Kemp, dusty and disheveled, one side of his face white from a blow, his lip bleeding, and a pink dressing-gown and some underclothing held in his arms.

“My God!” cried Kemp, “the game’s up! He’s gone!”

Chapter 25 (глава двадцать пятая)

The Hunting of the Invisible Man (охота на Невидимку)

For a space Kemp was too inarticulate to make Adye understand the swift things that had just happened (какое-то время Кемп говорил слишком бессвязно и непонятно, чтобы Эдай мог понять стремительные события, только что произошедшие). They stood on the landing, Kemp speaking swiftly (они стояли на лестничной площадке, Кемп быстро говорил), the grotesque swathings of Griffin still on his arm (все еще держа в руках нелепые одежды Гриффина; to swathe — бинтовать, закутывать). But presently Adye began to grasp something of the situation (но вскоре Эдай начал улавливать кое-то из этой ситуации).

“He is mad (он безумен),” said Kemp; “inhuman (бесчеловечен). He is pure selfishness (он полный эгоист: «чистое себялюбие»; selfishness — эгоизм, себялюбие). He thinks of nothing but his own advantage, his own safety (думает только о собственной выгоде и безопасности). I have listened to such a story this morning of brutal self-seeking (этим утром я выслушал такую историю об отвратительном, жестоком своекорыстии)... He has wounded men (он ранил людей). He will kill them unless we can prevent him (/а теперь/ будет убивать, если мы ему не помешаем). He will create a panic (он создаст панику). Nothing can stop him (ничто не сможет его остановить). He is going out now — furious (теперь он выходит на волю — в ярости)!”

“He must be caught (он должен быть пойман),” said Adye. “That is certain (это несомненно: «определенно»).”

inarticulate ["InR`tIkjulqt], selfishness [`selfISnqs], furious [`fjuqrIqs]

For a space Kemp was too inarticulate to make Adye understand the swift things that had just happened. They stood on the landing, Kemp speaking swiftly, the grotesque swathings of Griffin still on his arm. But presently Adye began to grasp something of the situation.

“He is mad,” said Kemp; “inhuman. He is pure selfishness. He thinks of nothing but his own advantage, his own safety. I have listened to such a story this morning of brutal self-seeking... He has wounded men. He will kill them unless we can prevent him. He will create a panic. Nothing can stop him. He is going out now — furious!”

“He must be caught,” said Adye. “That is certain.”

“But how (но как)?” cried Kemp, and suddenly became full of ideas (воскликнул Кемп и вдруг стал полон мыслей = стализлагатьмножествомыслей). “You must begin at once (вы должны начинать сейчас же). You must set every available man to work (вам нужно подключить всех имеющихся людей; tosettowork— приводить в действие; заставить работать; available— доступный; имеющийся в распоряжении, наличный); you must prevent his leaving this district (нужно не дать ему покинуть эту местность). Once he gets away, he may go through the countryside as he wills (как только он уйдет, он может ходить по всей стране, куда пожелает; countryside— сельская местность; ландшафт; country— страна; местность, территория), killing and maiming (убивая и калеча). He dreams of a reign of terror (он мечтает о царстве террора)! A reign of terror, I tell you (слышите — царстве террора). You must set a watch on trains and roads and shipping (надо установить наблюдение за поездами, дорогами и судами). The garrison must help (гарнизон должен помочь). You must wire for help (попросите телеграммой о помощи; towire— телеграфировать). The only thing that may keep him here is the thought of recovering some books of notes he counts of value (единственное, что может его задержать здесь — мысль о возвращении книг с записями, которые он считает важными). I will tell you of that (я вам расскажу об этом)! There is a man in your police station — Marvel (в вашем полицейском участке находится один человек, Марвел).”

“I know (знаю),” said Adye, “I know. Those books — yes (книги, да). But the tramp (но бродяга)...”

countryside [`kAntrIsaId], reign [reIn], terror [`terq], value [`vxljH]

“But how?” cried Kemp, and suddenly became full of ideas. “You must begin at once. You must set every available man to work; you must prevent his leaving this district. Once he gets away, he may go through the countryside as he wills, killing and maiming. He dreams of a reign of terror! A reign of terror, I tell you. You must set a watch on trains and roads and shipping. The garrison must help. You must wire for help. The only thing that may keep him here is the thought of recovering some books of notes he counts of value. I will tell you of that! There is a man in your police station — Marvel.”

“I know,” said Adye, “I know. Those books — yes. But the tramp...”

“Says he hasn’t them (говорит, что у него их нет). But he thinks the tramp has (но Невидимка думает, что есть). And you must prevent him from eating or sleeping (и не давайте ему есть и спать); day and night the country must be astir for him (днем и ночью вся местность = все должны бодрствовать и искать его; astir— находящийся в движении; на ногах; взволнованный; tostir— шевелиться). Food must be locked up and secured, all food (еду необходимо запереть и охранять, всю еду), so that he will have to break his way to it (чтобы ему пришлось пробиваться к ней). The houses everywhere must be barred against him (дома повсюду должны быть заперты /от него/). Heaven send us cold nights and rain (да пошлет нам небо = дай Бог, чтобы были холодные ночи и дождь)! The whole country-side must begin hunting and keep hunting (вся округа должна начать и продолжать охотиться /на него/). I tell you, Adye, he is a danger, a disaster (поймите, Эдай, он угроза, он бедствие); unless he is pinned and secured (пока он не схвачен и не взят под стражу; unless — если не; пока не), it is frightful to think of the things that may happen (даже подумать страшно о том, что может произойти).”

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