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Английский язык с Стивеном Кингом "Кошка из ада" - Stephen King

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And the warm trickle of blood (и теплая струйка крови).

Pain (боль).

Feeling (чувствительность /вернулась/).

He ordered his head to move to the right, and it complied (он приказал голове повернуться вправо, и она подчинилась; to comply — делать уступки; выполнять /просьбу, приказ/). For a moment his face was buried in smooth, dry fur (на мгновение его лицо погрузилось в гладкий, сухой мех; to bury — хоронить; погружаться). Halston snapped at the cat (Хэлстон укусил кота; to snap — щелкать; цапнуть, укусить). It made a startled, disgruntled sound in its throat — yowk! — and leaped onto the seat (он издал испуганный, раздраженный звук своим горлом — яу! — и отпрыгнул на сиденье; to disgruntle — сердить, раздражать). It stared up at him angrily, ears laid back (прижав уши к голове, он сердито уставился на Хэлстона).

spinal ['spaInl], temporary ['temp(q)rqrI], permanent ['pq:mqnqnt], thunder ['TAndq], hoarse [hLs], blood [blAd]

As Halston watched it stood up, arched its back, and stretched. In a sudden limber movement like rippled silk, it leaped to his shoulder. Halston tried to lift his hands to push it off.

His arms wouldn't move.

Spinal shock, he thought. Paralyzed. Maybe temporary. More likely permanent.

The cat purred in his ear like thunder.

“Get off me,” Halston said. His voice was hoarse and dry. The cat tensed for a moment and then settled back. Suddenly its paw batted Halston's cheek, and the claws were out this time. Hot lines of pain down to his throat.

And the warm trickle of blood.



He ordered his head to move to the right, and it complied. For a moment his face was buried in smooth, dry fur. Halston snapped at the cat. It made a startled, disgruntled sound in its throat — yowk! — and leaped onto the seat. It stared up at him angrily, ears laid back.

“Wasn't supposed to do that, was I (не думал, что я это сделаю, да)?” Halston croaked (прохрипел Хэлстон; to croak — каркать; хрипеть). The cat opened its mouth and hissed at him (кот открыл пасть и зашипел на него). Looking at that strange, schizophrenic face (глядя на эту странную, шизофреническую морду), Halston could understand how Drogan might have thought it was a hellcat (Хэлстон смог понять, почему Дроган подумал, что это кот из ада; may — выражаетпредположение, основанноенанеуверенности). It (он) —

His thoughts broke off as he became aware of a dull, tingling feeling in both hands and forearms (его мысли внезапно прервались, когда он почувствовал слабое покалывающее ощущение = слабоепокалывание в обеих кистях и в предплечьях; to break off — отламывать; внезапнопрекращать, обрывать/разговорит. п./; dull — тупой; притупленный).

Feeling (чувствительность). Coming back (возвращается). Pins and needles (будто иголками покалывает; pins and needles — покалывание /когда часть тела "отходит" после пережатия, онемения и т.д./: «булавки и иголки»).

The cat leaped at his face, claws out, spitting (кот с шипением бросился ему на лицо, /выпустив/ когти наружу).

Halston shut his eyes and opened his mouth (Хэлстон закрыл глаза и открыл рот). He bit at the cat's belly and got nothing but fur (он укусил кота в живот, но ухватил только шерсть;to bite). The cat's front claws were clasped on his ears, digging in (передние лапы вцепились ему в уши; to clasp — скреплять; сжимать, крепко схватить). The pain was enormous, brightly excruciating (боль была чудовищной, невероятно мучительной; enormous — громадный; чудовищный; brightly — ярко; to excruciate — истязать, мучить). Halston tried to raise his hands (Хэлстон попытался поднять руки).

They twitched but would not quite come out of his lap (они дернулись, но почти не = такине оторвались от коленей; to come off — покидать; отрываться).

croak [krqVk], schizophrenic ["skItsq'frenIk], enormous [I'nLmqs], excruciate [Iks'krHSIeIt]

“Wasn't supposed to do that, was I?” Halston croaked. The cat opened its mouth and hissed at him. Looking at that strange, schizophrenic face, Halston could understand how Drogan might have thought it was a hellcat. It —

His thoughts broke off as he became aware of a dull, tingling feeling in both hands and forearms.

Feeling. Coming back. Pins and needles.

The cat leaped at his face, claws out, spitting.

Halston shut his eyes and opened his mouth. He bit at the cat's belly and got nothing but fur. The cat's front claws were clasped on his ears, digging in. The pain was enormous, brightly excruciating. Halston tried to raise his hands.

They twitched but would not quite come out of his lap.

He bent his head forward and began to shake it back and forth (он нагнул голову вперед и принялся трясти ею во все стороны: «взад и вперед»), like a man shaking soap out of his eyes (как человек, которому в глаза попало мыло: «вытряхивающий мыло из глаз»). Hissing and squalling, the cat held on (шипя и повизгивая, кошка продолжала держаться). Halston could feel blood trickling down his cheeks (Хэлстон чувствовал, как по его щекам струится кровь). It was hard to get his breath (было трудно дышать: «получить воздух»; breath — дыхание; вдыхаемый и выдыхаемый воздух). The cat's chest was pressed over his nose (к его носу была прижата грудь кота). It was possible to get some air in by mouth, but not much (можно было вдохнуть воздуха через рот, но не много). What he did get came through fur (то, что он вдыхал, проходило сквозь шерсть). His ears felt as if they had been doused with lighter fluid and then set on fire (уши ощущались = горели так, как будто их облили горючей жидкостью и подожгли; lighter — зажигалка).

He snapped his head back and cried out in agony (он откинул голову назад и заорал от страшной боли) — he must have sustained a whiplash when the Plymouth hit (очевидно, при ударе “плимута” он повредил себе шею; to sustain — поддерживать; испытывать; переносить, претерпевать; whiplash — ремень или бечева плети, хлыста; /= whiplash injury/ хлыстовая травма шеи /травма от внезапного резкого движения головы и шеи/). But the cat hadn't been expecting the reverse and it flew off (но кот не ожидал движения назад и слетел = не удержался). Halston heard it thud down in the back seat (Хэлстон услышал, как он плюхнулся на заднее сиденье).

squall [skwɔ:l], sustain [sq'steIn], whiplash ['wIplxS]

He bent his head forward and began to shake it back and forth, like a man shaking soap out of his eyes. Hissing and squalling, the cat held on. Halston could feel blood trickling down his cheeks. It was hard to get his breath. The cat's chest was pressed over his nose. It was possible to get some air in by mouth, but not much. What he did get came through fur. His ears felt as if they had been doused with lighter fluid and then set on fire.

He snapped his head back and cried out in agony — he must have sustained a whiplash when the Plymouth hit. But the cat hadn't been expecting the reverse and it flew off. Halston heard it thud down in the back seat.

A trickle of blood ran in his eye (струйка крови затекла в один глаз). He tried again to move his hands (он снова попытался пошевелить руками), to raise one of them and wipe the blood away (поднять одну из них и вытереть кровь).

They trembled in his lap (они подрагивали у него на коленях), but he was still unable to actually move them (но он все еще не мог их сдвинуть). He thought of the .45 special in its holster under his left arm (он вспомнил про свой специальный револьвер 45-го калибра в кобуре под левой рукой).

If I can get to my piece, kitty, the rest of your nine lives are going in a lump sum (если я /только/ смогу дотянуться до ствола, киска, остаток твоих девяти жизней пропадет одним разом; piece — кусок; деталь; /разг./ пушка, ствол; lump sum — единовременно выплачиваемая полнаясумма; общий итог; lump — глыба, ком; целое, масса).

More tingles now (снова покалывание, уже сильнее: «больше покалываний теперь»). Dull throbs of pain from his feet, buried and surely shattered under the engine block (тупая, пульсирующая боль в ступнях, зажатых и, конечно же, раздробленных двигателем; throb — биение, пульсация), zips and tingles from his legs (постреливание и покалывание в ногах) — it felt exactly the way a limb that you've slept on does when it's starting to wake up (ощущение точно такое же, как в ноге или руке на которой вы спали = которую вы отлежали во сне, когда она начинает отходить: «просыпаться»; limb — конечность; рука или нога). At that moment Halston didn't care about his feet (в тот момент Хэлстон не беспокоился о ступнях). It was enough to know that his spine wasn't severed (/ему/ было достаточно знать, что позвоночник не разорван), that he wasn't going to finish out his life as a dead lump of body attached to a talking head (что ему не придется провести остаток жизни в качестве мертвого куска плоти, прикрепленного к говорящей голове).

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