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История британской социальной антропологии - Алексей Никишенков

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Haddon A.C. A Plea for a Bureau of Ethnology for the British Empire // Nature. 1897. V. 63

Haddon A.C., Quiggin A.H. The History of Anthropology. L., 1910.

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Malinowski B. Culture // Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences. 1931. V. 4.

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Owusu M. On Indigenous Anthropology: A Malinowskian View // CA. 1981. V. 22. № 6.

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Quiggin A.H. Haddon, Alfred Cort // International Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences. 1968. V. 6.

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Radcliffe-Brown A.R. A System of Notation for Relationships // Man. 1930. V. 30.

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Radcliffe-Brown A.R. The Social Organization of Australian Tribes // Oceania. 1930–1931. V. I. № 1–4.

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Radcliffe-Brown A.R. On the Concept of Function in Primitive Society // Radcliffe-Brown A.R. Structure and Function in Primitive Society. (1-st ed. 1935).

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Radcliffe-Brown A.R. On Social Structure // Radcliffe-Brown A.R. Structure and Function in Primitive Society. (1-st ed. 1940).

Radcliffe-Brown A.R. On Joking Relations // Radcliffe-Brown A.R. Structure and Function in Primitive Society. (1-st ed. 1940).

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