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Железная женщина - Нина Николаевна Берберова

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Translated into English by B. Clark and Marie Zakrevsky. N. Y., 1924.

Maxim Gorky. Fragments from my Diary. Translated by M. Budberg. N. Y., 1924. Second edition: N. Y., 1972.

Maxim Gorky. The Story of a Novel and other stories. Translated by M. Zakrevsky. N. Y., 1925.

Maxim Gorky. A Book of Short Stories. Edited by A. Yarmolinsky and M. Budberg. Foreword by Aldous Huxley. N. Y., 1939.

Maxim Gorky. Unrequited Love and other stories. Translated by M. Budberg. Introduction by A. Pryce-Jones. London, 1949.

Maxim Gorky. A Life of a Useless Man. Translated by M. Budberg. N. Y., 1971.

Maxim Gorky. V.I. Lenin. Moscow, Gosizdat. 1931.

Maxim Gorky. Letters to Khodasevich. Harvard Slavic Studies. Vol. 1, 1953, pp. 284–354.

Fernand Grenard. La revolution russe. Paris, 1933.

William Hard. Raymond Robins’ Own Story. N. Y. & London, 1920.

Averel Harriman. America and Russia in a Changing World. N. Y., 1971.

Rupert Hart-Davis, edit. The Autobiography of Arthur Ransome. London, 1976.

Rupert Hart-Davis. Hugh Walpole. N. Y., 1952.

Jean Heijenroot. With Trotsky in Exile. Harvard, 1978.

Alexander Hertzen. From the Other Shore. Translated by M. Budberg. Introduction by Isaiah Berlin. London, 1956. Second edition: no translator’s name. Edited and introduced by Isaiah Berlin. London, 1963.

George A. Hill. Go Spy the Land. London, 1932.

George Katkov. German Foreign Office Documents. In: International Affairs. 1956, 32, 2.

George Katkov. The Trial of Bukharin. N. Y., 1969.

George Katkov. The Assassination of Count Mirbach. Soviet Affairs: 1962. № 3.

George Kennan. Russia Leaves the War. Princeton, 1956.

George Kennan. The Decision to intervene. Princeton, 1958.

Odette Keun. H.G. Wells, the Player. Time and Tide, 1934, vol. 15.

Admiral Alfred Knox. With the Russian Army. Vol. 3. 1914–1917. London, 1921.

Michael Korda. Charmed Lives. A Family Romance, London. 1979.

Isaac Don Levine. I Rediscover Russia. N. Y., 1964.

Robert Bruce Lockhart. Memoirs of a British Agent. London, 1932 (1974).

Robert Bruce Lockhart. Retreat from Glory. London, 1934.

Robert Bruce Lockhart. Guns and Butter. Boston, 1938.

Robert Bruce Lockhart. Comes the Reckoning. London, 1947.

Robert Bruce Lockhart. My Europe. London, 1952.

Robert Bruce Lockhart. Your England. N. Y., 1955.

Robert Bruce Lockhart. Friends, Foes, and Foreigners. London, 1957.

Robert Bruce Lockhart. Giants Cast Long Shadows. London, 1960.

Robert Bruce Lockhart. Two Revolutions. London, 1967.

Robert Bruce Lockhart. The Diaries of Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart. Vol. 1. 1915–38. Ed. by Kenneth Young. London, 1973.

Robin Bruce Lockhart. Ace of Spies. (The Life of Sidney Reilly). N. Y., 1968.

Roza Luksemburg. Listy do Leona Jogichesa-Tyszki. Warsaw, 1968. Vol. 1, 2.

Monro MacClosky. Torch and the 12th Air Force. N. Y., 1971.

Norman and Jeanne Mackenzie. H.G. Welts. The Time Traveller. The Life of H.G. Wells. London, 1973.

Robin Maugham. Somerset and All the Maughams. N. Y., 1966.

Somerset Maugham. Summing Up. N. Y., 1938.

D.P. Mirsky. Mr. Wells Shows His Class. Labour Monthly, 1932, V. 4, № 6.

Ted Morgan. Maugham. A Biography. N. Y., 1980.

A.A. Mosolov. At the Court of the Last Tsar. London, 1935.

New Leader. Articles of B.I. Nikolaevsky. New York, 1941–58.

Harold Nicolson. Diaries. Vol. 1, 2, 3. N. Y., 1966–68.

Boris Nikolaevsky. Power and the Soviet Elite. N. Y., 1965.

Boris Nikolaevsky. Essays in memory of, edited by A. and J. Rabinovich. Bloomington, 1973.

Boris Nikolaevsky. Obituary. New York Times. 1966. Febr. 23, 39:2.

Joseph Noulens. Mon ambassade en Russie Sovie’tique. 1917–1919. Paris. 1933.

George Orwell. Wells, Hitler and the Slate. The Collected Essays. N. Y., 1968.

Herman Ould, ed. The Book of P. E. N. London, 1950.

Alexander Parvus (Helphand). Im Kampf um die Wahrheit. Berlin, 1918.

Alexander Parvus. Der wirtschaftliche Rettungsweg. Berlin, 1922.

Alexander Parvus. Le socialisme ouvrier er la revolution mondiale. Ofton, 1919.

Pierre Pascal. Mon journal de Russie. Lausanne, 1975.

Arthur Ransome. Six Weeks in Russia. London amp; New York, 1919.

Gordon N. Ray. H. G. Wells and Rebecca West. New Haven, 1974.

Sidney Reilly. The Adventures of Sidney Redly, Britain’s Master Spy, written by himself, completed by his wife. N. Y., 1933.

Report on the Court Proceedings in the case of the Ami-Soviet Boc of Rights and Trotskyites heard before the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR, Moscow, March 2–13. 1938 (Bukharin, Rykov, Yagoda, Kriuchkov, et al.). Moscow, The People’s Commissariat of Justice of the USSR. 1938.

Louis de Robien. Journal d’un diplomate en Russie. 1917–1918. Paris, 1957.

Donald Rumbeiow. The Hundsditch Murderers. London. 1973.

Jacques Sadoul. Notes sur la Revolution Bo /che’vique. Paris, 1971.

Arthur Slater. Н.G. Wells. Personality and Politiques. London, 1947.

Michael Sayers and Albert Kahn, editors. The Great. Conspiracy The Secret War Against Soviet Russia. Boston, 1946.

Winfried Scharlau. Parvus. Eine politische Biographie. Köln, 1964.

Winfried Scharlau. Parvus und Trotsky. Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas. Band 10, 1962.

H. Schurer. A. Parvus. Russian Review. 1959, p. 313.

Victor Serge. Year One of the Russian Revolution. Chicago, 1972.

Victor Serge and Natalia Sedova. The Life and Death of Leon Trotsky. N. Y., 1975.

Leonard Shapiro. The Communist Parly of the Soviet Union. London, 1960.

Alexandre Skirda. Les anarchistes dans la revolution russe. Paris, 1973.

P. Tabon. Alexander Korda. A Biography. London, 1959.

The Times (of London). Editorial of March 14, 1966. (An answer to an article in Izvestia on Loekhart’s Plot.)

Leon Trotsky. My Life. N. Y., 1931.

Leon Trotsky. On Wells. Labour Monthly. London. 1924, vol. 6.

Kathleen Tynan. The Astonishing History of Moura Budberg. A Flame for Famous Men. An Interview. Vogue Magazine, October 1, 1970.

A. Tyrkova-Williams. The Cheerful Giver (Harold Williams). London, 1935.

Richard Ullman. Anglo-Soviet Relations (British Foreign Service). Vol. 1, 2. Princeton, 1961 & 1966.

Antonina Vallentin. H.G. Wells. Prophet of Our Day. Translated from the French by Daphne Woodward. N. Y., 1950.

Hugh Waipole. The Dark Forest. N. Y., 1916.

Hugh Waipole. The Secret City. N. Y., 1919.

Beatrice Webb. Diaries. London, 1956.

G. P. Wells. Introduction to H.G. Weils’ The Mind at the End of its Tether. Edgware (Middi.), 1968.

H. G. Wells. Russia in the Shadows. London, 1921.

H. G. Wells. The Secret

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