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Bitter Calypsos in the Caribbean // Guardian. London. 1990. July 30; Weissman R. Playing with Numbers: The IMF's Fraud in Trinidad and Tobago // Multinational Monitor 11.1990. № 6. June.


Gelder L., van. Mr. Budhoo's Letter of Resignation from the I.M.F. (50 Years Is Enough) // New York Times. 1996. March 20.



Raghavan A. Wall Street Is Scavenging in Asia-Pacific //Wall Street Journal. 1998. February 10.


Liddle R.W. Year One of the Yudhoyono — Kalla Duumvirate // Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 41. 2005. № 3. December. P. 337.


The Weakest Link // The Economist. 2003. February 8.


Adelman I. Lessons from Korea // The New Russia, p. 29.


McNally D. Globalization on Trial // Monthly Review. 1998. September.


Apec Highlights Social Impact of Asian Financial Crisis // Bernama news agency. 1998. May 25.


Nam-Il N. Gold Rush... Korean Style // Business Korea. 1998. March; Selling Pressure Mounts on Korean Won — Report // Korea Herald. Seoul. 1998. May 12.


Elderly Suicide Rate on the Increase // Korea Herald. Seoul. 1999. October 27; Economic Woes Driving More to Suicide // Korea Times. Seoul. 1998. April 23.


Кризис разразился в 1994 году, но займы были получены лишь в начале 1995 года.


Milton Friedman Discusses the IMF // CNN Moneyline with Lou Dobbs. 1998. January 22; Shultz G.R, Simon W.E., Wriston W.B. Who Needs the IMF // Wall Street Journal. 1998. February 3.


Global Overview // Milken Institute. Global Conference 1998. Los Angeles. 1998. March 12, www.milkeninstitute.org.


Clinton B. Joint Press Conference with Prime Minister Chmtien. 1997. November 23 // www.clintonfoundation.org.


Global Overview, Milken Institute.


Pinera J. The «Third Way» Keeps Countries in the Third World. Prepared for the Cato Institute's 16th Annual Monetary Conference co-sponsored with The Economist, Washington, DC. 1998. October 22; Pinera J. The Fall of a Second Berlin Wall. 1998. October 22, www.josepinera.com.


U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Holds Hearing on the Role of the IMF in the Asian Financial Crisis. 1998. February 12; Text — Greenspan's Speech to New York Economic Club // Reuters News. 1997. December 3.


Perez M., Tobarra S. Los paises asiaticos tendran que aceptar cierta flexi-bilidad que no era necesaria hasta ahora // El Pais International Edition. Madrid. 1997. December 8; IMF Chief Calls for Abandon of «Asian Model» // Agence France-Presse. 1997. December 1.


Интервью с Махатиром Мохамад ом 2 июля 2001 года // Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy, www.pbs.org.


Интервью со Стенли Фишером 9 мая 2001 года // Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy, www.pbs.org.


Grenville St. The IMF and the Indonesian Crisis // Background paper, Independent Evaluation Office of the IMF. 2004. May. P. 8, www.imf.org.


Bello W. The IMF's Hidden Agenda // The Nation. Bangkok. 1998. January 25.


Интервью со Стенли Фишером 9 мая 2001 года; Kahn J. I.M.F's Hand Often Heavy, a Study Says // New York Times. 2000. October 21. МВФ часто называют марионеткой Казначейства США, но эти переговоры особенно наглядно представили их взаимоотношения. Чтобы удостовериться в том, что окончательный вариант соглашения отражает интересы компаний США, Дэвид Липтон, заместитель секретаря Казначейства США по международным делам (который ранее сотрудничал с Саксом, разрабатывая программу шоковой терапии для Польши), отправился в Южную Корею в отель «Сеул Хилтон», где шли переговоры между МВФ и корейским правительством. Как писал сотрудник газеты Washington Post Пол Бластейн, «это было зримым выражением влияния Соединенных Штатов на политику МВФ». Blustein P. The Chastening: Inside the Crisis That Rocked the Global Financial System and Humbled the IMF. New York: PublicAffairs, 2001. Pp. 6-7.


Договор между МВФ и Южной Кореей открыто говорил о «снятии ограничений на рынке труда относительно увольнений (чтобы позволить капиталам перемещаться от одной индустрии к другой)». Цит. по: Hart-Landsberg М., Burkett P. Economic Crisis and Restructuring in South Korea: Beyond the Free Market-Statist Debate // Critical Asian Studies 33. 2001. № 3. P. 421; Granitsas A., Biers D. Economies: The Next Step: The IMF Has Stopped Asia's Financial Panic // Far Eastern Economic Review. 1998. April 23; Shiner C. Economic Crisis Clouds Indonesian's Reforms // Washington Post. 1998. September 10.


Ambrose S. South Korean Union Sues the IMF // Economic Justice News 2.2000. № 4. January.


Bullard N. Taming the Tigers: The IMF and the Asian Crisis. London: Focus on the Global South. 1999. March 2, www.focusweb.org; Bello W. A Siamese Tragedy: The Collapse of Democracy in Thailand. London: Focus on the Global South. 2006. September 29, www.focusweb.org.


Sachs J. Power Unto Itself // Financial Times. London. 1997. December 11.


Lewis M. The World's Biggest Going-Out-of-Business Sale // New York Times Magazine. 1998. May 31.


Chalmers I. Tommy's Toys Trashed // Inside Indonesia 56, 1998, October-December.


Blustein P., Sugawara S. Rescue Plan for Indonesia in Jeopardy // Washington Post. 1998. January 7; Grenville St. The IMF and the Indonesian Crisis, p. 10.


McNally D. Globalization on Trial.


Magic Arts of Jakarta's «Witch-Doctor» // Financial Times. London. 1997. November 3.


Sim S. Jakarta's Technocrats vs. the Technologists // Straits Times. Singapore. 1997. November 30; Kahn }. I.M.F.'s Hand Often Heavy, a Study Says.


The IMF's Response to the Asian Crisis. 1999. January. International Monetary Fund, www.imf.org.


Blustein P. At the IMF, a Struggle Shrouded in Secrecy // Washington Post. 1998. March 30; Feldstein M. Refocusing the IMF // Foreign Affairs. 1998. March-April; Sachs J. The IMF and the Asian Flu //American Prospect. 1998. March-April.


В Южной Корее соответствующий показатель возрос с 2,6 до 7,6 процента, в Индонезии — с 4 до 12 процентов. Подобные процессы происходили и в других странах. ILO Governing Body to Examine Response to Asia Crisis // International Labour Organization. Press release. 1999. March 16; Jordan M. Middle Class Plunging Back to Poverty // Washington Post. 1998. September 6; McNally D. Globalization on Trial; Lowe-Lee F. Where Is Korea's Middle Class? // Korea Insight 2.2000. №11. November. P. 1; Wolfensohn J.D. Opening Address by the President of the World Bank Group // Summary Proceedings of the Fifty-Third Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund, 1998. October 6-8. P. 31, www.imf.org.


Array of Crimes Linked to the Financial Crisis, Meeting Told // New Straits Times. Kuala Lumpur. 1999. June 1; SawatsawangN. Prostitution — Alarm Bells Sound Amid Child Sex Rise // Bangkok Post. 1999. December 24; Baguioro L. Child Labour Rampant in the Philippines // Straits Times. Singapore. 2000. February 12; Asian Financial Crisis Rapidly Creating Human Crisis: World Bank// Agence France-Presse. 1998. September 29.


The IMF and Recent Capital Account Crises: Indonesia, Korea, Brazil. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund, 2003. September 12. Pp. 42-43, www.imf.org; Grenville St. The IMF and the Indonesian Crisis, p. 8.


По каким-то причинам этот критический отчет вышел только в 2003 году, через пять лет после кризиса. Но к тому моменту предупреждения о недопустимости использования кризисов уже запоздали; МВФ проводил структурную перестройку в Афганистане и строил планы относительно Ирака.


The IMF and Recent Capital Account Crises: Indonesia, Korea, Brazil, pp. 42-43, www.imf.org; Grenville St. The IMF and the Indonesian Crisis, p. 8.


Mellow C. Treacherous Times // Institutional Investor International Edition. 1999. May.


Raghavan A. Wall Street Is Scavenging In Asia-Pacific.


McCarthy R. Merrill Lynch Buys Yamaichi Branches, Now Japans Biggest Foreign Broker // Agence France-Presse. 1998. February 12; Phatra Thanakit Announces Partnership with Merrill Lynch // Merrill Lynch press release. 1998. )une 4; World Investment Report 1998: Trends and Determinants // United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. New York: United Nations, 1998. P. 337; Zhan J.X., Ozawa T. Business Restructuring in Asia: Cross-Border M&As in the Crisis Period. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press, 2001. P. 100; Advisory Board for Salomon // Financial Times. London. 1999. May 18; Korea Ssangyong Sells Info Unit Shares to Carlyle // Reuters News. 2001. January 2; JP Morgan — Carlyle Consortium to Become Largest Shareholder of KorAm // Korea Times. Seoul. 2000. September 9.


Kristof N.D. Worsening Financial Flu in Asia Lowers Immunity to U.S. Business // New York Times. 1998. February 1.


Lewis M. The World's Biggest Going-Out-of-Business Sale; Clifford M.L. Invasion of the Bargain Snatchers // Business Week. 1998. March 2.

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