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91. Hayek, F. A. (1948), Individualism and Economic Order (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd.).

92. Hayek, F. A. (1949/67), "The Intellectuals and Socialism", University of Chicago Law Review 16, Spring 1949; reprinted in Hayek (1967).

93. Hayek, F. A. (1951), John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor: Their Friendship and Subsequent Marriage (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul).

94. Hayek, F.A. (1952), The Sensory Order (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).

95. Hayek, F.A. (1952/79), The Counter-Revolution of Science: Studies on the Abuse of Reason (Indianapolis: Liberty Press,1979).

96. Hayek, F. A. (1954/1967), "History and Politics", in F. A. Hayek, ed., Capitalism and the Historians (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd., 1954), reprinted in Hayek (1967).

97. Hayek, F. A. (1960), The Constitution of Liberty (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd.).

98. Hayek, F. A. (1963/67), "The Legal and Political Philosophy of David Hume", Il Politico, XXVIII/4, reprinted in Hayek (1967).

99. Hayek, F. A. (1964), "The Theory of Complex Phenomena", in Мало A. Bunge, ed. The Critical Approach to Science and Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Karl К Popper (New York: Free Press, 1964), reprinted in Hayek (1967).

100. Hayek, F. A. (1967), Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd.).

101. Hayek, F.A. (1967/78a), "Dr. Bernard Mandeville" in Proceedings of the British Academy, 52, reprinted in Hayek (1978).

102. Hayek, F. A. (1967/78b), "The Confusion of Language in Political Thought", address delivered in German to the Walter Eucken Institute in Freiburg im Breisgau and published in 1968 as an Occasional Paper by the Institute of Economic Affairs, London: reprinted in Hayek (1978).

103. Hayek, F. A. (1970/78), Die Irrtumer des Konstruktivismus und die Grundlagen leg/timer Kritik gesellshaftlicher Gebilde (Munich and Salzburg: Fink Verlag, 1970), reprinted (Tubingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Verlag, 1975), published in English translation in Hayek (1978).

104. Hayek, F. A. (1972/78), A Tiger by the Tail (London: Institute of Economic Affairs).

105. Hayek, F. A. (1973), Law, Legislation and Liberty, Vol. I, Rules and Order (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd.). Hayek, F. A. (1976), Law, Legislation and Liberty, Vol. II, The Mirage of Social Justice (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd.). Hayek, F. A. (1976/78), Denationalisation of Money (London: The Institute of Economic Affairs, second edition, revised and expanded, 1978).

106. Hayek, F. A. (1978), New Studies In Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the History of Ideas (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd.).

107. Hayek, F. A. (1979), Law, Legislation and Liberty, Vol. III, The Political Order of a Free People (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd.).

108. Hayek, F. A. (1983), "The Weasel Word Social", Salisbury Review, Autumn 1983.

109. Hayek, F. A. (1986), "Market Standards for Money", Economic Affairs, April/May, pp. 8-10.

110. Heilbroner, Robert (1970), Between Capitalism and Socialism: Essays In Political Economics (New York: Random House).

111. Herder, J. G. (1784/1821), Ideen zur Philosophic der Geschlchte der Menschhelt (Leipzig: J. F. Hartknoch, second ed., 1821). See also Abhandlung uber den Ursprung der Sprache, 1772. {русск. перевод: Гердер И. Г. Идеи к философии истории человечества. М., Наука, 1977}.

112. Herskovits, M. J. (1948), Man and His Works (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.).

113. Herskovits, M. J. (1960), Economic Anthropology, a Study in Comparative Economics (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.).

114. Hirschmann, Albert O. (1977), The Passions and the Interests: Political Arguments for Capitalism Before Its Triumph (Princeton: Princeton University Press).

115. Hobhouse, L. T. (1911), Liberalism (New York: Henry Holt and Co.).

116. Hobhouse, L. T. (1922), The Elements of Social Justice (New York: Henry Holt and Co.).

117. Holdsworth, W. S. (1924), A History of English Law (London: Methuen).

118. Howard, J. H. (1982), Darwin (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

119. Huizinga, Johan (1949), Homo Ludens. A Study of the Play Element in Culture (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul).

120. Humboldt, Wilhelm von (1836/1903), Uber die 277 Verschiedenheil des menschlichen Sprachbaues und ihren Einfluss auf die geistige Entwicklung des Menschen-geschlechtes (BerJin: Druckerei der Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften), reprinted in Gesammelte Schriften, VII/1 (Berlin: B.Behr, 1903-36), {русск. перевод: Гумбольдт В. О различии строения человеческих языков и его влиянии на духовное развитие человечества. — Избранные труды по языкознанию. М., Прогресс, 1984}.

121. Humboldt, Wilhelm von (1903-36), Gesammelte Schriften (Berlin: В. Behr); also (Darmstadt, 1977), eds. A. Flitner and K. GieL

122. Hume, David (c 1757/1779/1886), Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, in David Hume, Philosophical Works, Vol. II, eds. Т. Н. Green and Т. Н. Grose (London: Longmans, Green), {русск. перевод: Юм Д. Диалоги о естественной религии. — Соч. в двух томах, т. 2, М., Мысль, 1965}.

123. Hume, David (1777/1886), Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, in David Hume, Philosophical Works, Vol. III, eds. Т. Н. Green and Т. Н. Grose (London: Longmans, Green), {русск. перевод: Юм Д. Исследование о человеческом познании. Соч. в двух томах, т. 2, М., Мысль, 1965}.

124. Hume, David (1741, 1742, 1758, 1777/1886), Essays, Moral, Political and Literary, in David Hume, Philosophical Works, Vols. III and IV, eds. Т. Н. Green and Т. Н. Grose (London: Longmans, Green), {русск. перевод: Юм Д. Эссе. — Соч. в двух томах, т. 2, М., Мысль, 1965}.

125. Hume, David (1762), History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution of 1688, in six volumes (London: Printed for A.Millar in the Strand).

126. Hume, David (1882), The Philosophical Works of David Hume, eds. Т. Н. Green and Т. Н. Grose (London: Longmans, Green).

127. Hume, David (1739/1886), A Treatise of Human Nature, in David Hume, Philosophical Works, Vols. I and II, eds. Т. Н. Green and Т. Н. Grose (London: Longmans, Green), {русск. перевод: Юм Д. Трактат о человеческой природе. — Соч. в двух томах, т. 1, М., Мысль, 1965}.

128. Huxley, Julian S. and Thomas Henry Huxley (1947), Touchstone for Ethics, 1893–1943 (New York: Harper).

129. Jay, Martin (1973), The Dialectical Imagination (Boston: Little, Brown).

130. Jones, E. L. (1981), The European Miracle (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

131. Jouvenel, Bertrand de (1957), Sovereignty: An Inquiry Into the Political Good, translated by J. F. Huntington (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).

132. Kant, Immanuel (1798), Der Strell der Fakultaten {русск. перевод Кант И. Спор факультетов. — Соч. в шести томах, т. 6, М., Мысль, 1966}.

133. Keller, R (1982) "Zur Theorie sprachlichen Wandels", Zeilschrlft fur Germanlstlsche Linguistik 10. 1982, pp. 1-27.

134. Kerferd, G. B. (1981), The Sophistic Movement (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), esp. Chapter 10: "The nomos-physis Controversy".

135. Keynes, J. M. (1923/71), A Tract on Monetary Reform, reprinted in Collected Works (London: Macmillan, 1971), IV {русск. перевод: Кейнс Дж. М. Трактат о денежной реформе. М., Экономическая жизнь, 1925}.

136. Keynes, J. M. (1938/49/72), "My Early Beliefs", written in 1938, printed in Two Memoirs (London: Rupert Hart-David, 1949), and reprinted in (Sollected Works, Vol. X (London: MacMillan, 1972).

137. Kirsch, G. (1981), "Ordnungspolitik mir graut vor dir, Frankfurter Allgemelne Zeitung, 18 July 1981.

138. Knight, Frank H. (1923/36), The Ethics of Competition and Other Essays (London: G.Alien and Unwio, Ltd., 1936); Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1923.

139. Leakey, R. E. (1981), The Making of Mankind (New York: Dutton).

140. Liddell, H. G. and R. Scott (1940), A Greek-English Lexicon, 9th edition (London: Clarendon Press).

141. Locke, John (1676/1954), Essays on the Laws of Nature, ed. W. Leyden (Oxford: Clarendon Press) {русск. перевод: Локк Дж. Опыты о законе природы. — Соч. в трех темах, т. 3, М., Мысль, 1988}.

142. Locke, John (1660/1887), Two Treatises on Civil Government, 2nd edition (London: Routledge) {русск. перевод: Локк Дж. Два трактата о правлении. — Соч. в трех томах, т. 3, М., Мысль, 1988}.

143. Locke, John (1690/1924), Essay Concerning Human Understanding, ed. A. S. Pringle-Pattison (Oxford: Clarendon Press) {русск. перевод: Локк Дж. Опыт о человеческом разумении. — Соч. в трех томах, т. 2, М., Мысль, 1985}.

144. Machiup, Fritz (1962), The Production and Distribution of Knowledge (Princeton: Princeton University Press) {русск. перевод: Махлуп Ф. Производство и распространение знаний в США. М., Прогресс, 1966}.

145. Maier, Н. (1972), "Konnen Begriffe die Gesellschaft verandern?", in Sprache und Politik, Bergedorfer Gesprachkrels 41, Tagung, May 1972 Protokoll.

146. Maine, H. S. (1875), Lectures on the Early History of Institutions (London: John Murray) {русск. перевод: Мэн Г. С. Древнейшая история учреждений. Спб., журн. "Знание", 1876}.

147. Malinowski, В. (1936), Foundations of Faith and Morals (London: Oxford University Press).

148. Mandeville, B. (1715/1924), The Fable of the Bees, ed. F.B. Kaye (Oxford: Clarendon Press) {русск. перевод: Манде-виль Б. Басня о пчелах. М., Мысль, 1974}.

149. Мауr, Е. (1970), Populations, Species, and Evolution (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).

150. Мауr, Е. (1982), The Growth of Biological Thought (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).

151. McCleary, G. F. (1953), The Malthuslan Population Theory (London: Faber and Faber).

152. McNeill, William Н. (1981), "A Defence of World History", Royal Society Lecture.

153. Medawar, P. B. and J. S. (1983), Aristotle to Zoos: A Philosophical Dictionary of Biology (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).

154. Medick, Hans (1973), Nalurzustand und Naturgeschichte der burgerllchen Gesellschaft; Die Ursprunge der burgerllchen Sozlaltheorle als Geschlchtsphllosophle und Sozlalwlssenschaft bel Samuel Pufendorf, John Locke und Adam Smith (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht).

155. Monger, Carl (1871/1934/1981), Principles of Economics (New York and London: New York University Press). Reprinted in German by the London School of Economics in 1934, Vol. I: see below {русск. перевод: Менгер К. Основания политической экономии. Одесса, 1903}.

156. Menger, Carl (1883/1933/1985), Problems of Economics and Sociology, trans. Francis J. Nock, ed. Louis Schneider (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1963); republished as Investigations into the Method of the Social Sciences with Special Reference to Economics, with new introduction by Lawrence White (New York: New York University Press). Reprinted in German by the London School of Economics in 1933, Vol. II: see below {русск. перевод: Менгер К. Исследования о методах социальных наук и политической экономии в особенности. Спб., Цинзерлингъ, 1894}.

157. Menger, Carl (1933-36), The Collected Works of Carl Menger, reprint in four volumes, in German (London: London School of Economics and Political Science. Series of Reprints of Scarce Tracts in Economic and Political Science, no. 17–20)).

158. Menger, Carl (1968-70), Gesammelte Werke (Tubingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Verlag).

159. Mill, John Stuart (1848/1965), Principles of Political Economy, Vols. 2 and 3 of Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, ed. J. M. Robson (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd.) {русск. перевод: Милль Дж. С. Основы политической экономии. М., Прогресс, 1980}.

160. Miller, David (1976), Social Justice (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

161. Mises, Ludwig von (1949), Human Action: A Treatise on Economics (New Haven: Yale University Press).

162. Mises, Ludwig von (1957), Theory and History (New Haven: Yale University Press).

163. Mises, Ludwig von (1922/81), Socialism (Indianapolis: Liberty Classics, 1981).

164. Monod, Jacques (1970/77), Chance and Necessity (Glasgow: Collins/Fount paperback, 1977); first published as Le hazard ou la necessity (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1970).

165. Monod, Jacques (1970), in A.Tiseliu and S.Nilsson, eds.: The Place of Values in a World of Facts (Stockholm: Nobel Symposium 14).

166. Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat de (1748), De l'Esprit des loix, I (Geneva: Barrilot and Fils) {русск. перевод: Монтескье Ш. Л. О духе законов. — Избранные произведения, М., Госполитиздат, 1955}.

167. Moore, G. E. (1903), Principia Ethica (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) {русск. перевод: Мур Дж. Принципы этики. М., Прогресс, 1984}.

168. Myrdal, Gunnar (1960), Beyond the Welfare State (New Haven: Yale University Press).

169. Needham, Joseph (1943), Time the Refreshing River (London: Alien and Unwin).

170. Needham, Joseph (1954), Science and Civilisation in China (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1954-85), in 6 volumes and numerous parts.

171. North, D. C. (1973) and R. P. Thomas, The Rise of the Western World (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

172. North, D. C. (1981), Structure and Change in Economic History (New York: W.W. Norton and Co.).

173. O'Brien, C. C. (1986), "God and Man in Nicaragua", The Atlantic 258, August 1986.

174. Orwell, George (1937), The Road to Wigan Pier (London: V. Gollancz).

175. Patten, Simon N. (1899), The Development of English Thought: A Study in the Economic Interpretation of History (New York: The Macmillan Company; London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd.).

176. Pei, Mario (1978), Weasel Words: The Art of Saying What You Don't Mean (New York: Harper and Row).

177. Petty, William (1681/1899), "The Growth, Increase and Multiplication of Mankind" (1681), in The Economic Writings of Sir William Petty, ed. C. H. Hull, vol. 2 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1899) {русск. перевод: Петти В. Другой опыт по политической арифметике, рассматривающей рост города Лондона. — Экономические и статистические работы, тт. I–II, М., Соцэкгиз, 1940}.

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