Мистерия Марса - Грэм Хэнкок
19. EncyclopaediaBritannica, 15th edition, «Solar System».
20. Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 325—28.
21. EncyclopaediaBritannica, 15th edition, «Solar System».
22. Verschuur, Impact, 44.
23. Nature, 25 April 1996, 689; Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday,
24. Nature, 25 April 1996, 689.
25. Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 57.
26. Nature, 25 April 1996, 689.
27. Verschuur, Impact, 44–45.
28. Ibid.; Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 29; Levy, Quest for Comets, 193.
29. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, «Solar System».
30. Ibid., 578.
31. Palmer, Catastropbism, 5.
32. Milton Zysman and Clark Whelton, eds., Catastrophism 2000 (Toronto: Heretic Press, 1990), 7.
33. Steel, Rogue, 29; Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 73.
34. Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 119-
35. Ibid., and Barnes-Svarney, Asteroid, 66–67.
36. Barnes-Svarney, Asteroid, 66–61.
51. In 1992. Reported in Cox and Chestek, Doomsday, 119.
38. Ibid.
39. Lewis, Rain of Iron and Ice, 83.
40. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 152–153; Bailey, Clube, Napier,Origin of Comets, 397; Verschuur, Impact, 45; Palmer, Catastrophism, 6.
41. Agence France Presse, 9 February 1998.
42. Spedicato, Apollo Objects, 14.
43. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, «Solar System».
44. See chapter 19.
45. Brian Marsden, «100 Potentially Hazardous Asteroids»? Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 25 September 1997.
46. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 73.
47. Lewis, Rain of Iron and Ice, 81.
48. Palmer, Catastrophism, 5; Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, Solar System.
49. Verschuur, Impact, 116.
50. Lewis, Rain of Iron and Ice, 83; Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 314.
51. Col. John M. Urias, et al., «Planetary Defense: Catastrophic Healthlnsurance for Planet Earth», research paper presented to Airforce2025, October 1996, chapter 3, 4.
52. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 204.
53. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 204–205.
54. NASA, Fact Sheet, 2.
55. Cited in Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 13.
56. NASA, Fact Sheet, 1.
57. См. главу 19.
58. NASA, Fact Sheet, 1.
59. Li Ch’un Feng, quoted in Timothy Ferris, «Is This the End?» The NeivYorker, 27 January 1997, 46.
60. Ibid.
Глава 22. Рыбы в море1. Johannes Kepler, in Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 48.
2. Hoyle and Wickramasinghej, Lifecloud, 104—5; Palmer, Catastrophism,
3. Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, Lifecloud, 104—5; Penguin Dictionary ofAstronomy, 279.
4. Palmer, Catastrophism, 5.
5. Наряду с многими техническими статьями в научных журналах Клубе и Напир написали две книги для широкого круга читателей, в которых они объясняют свою теорию. Это Cosmic Serpent [ «Космический змей»] и Cosmic Winter [ «Космическая зима»].
6. Verschuur, Impact, 57.
7. Moore, Planets, 124.
8. Verschuur, Impact, 57.
9. Tom Gehrels, in Scientific American, March 1996, 34.
10. Victor Clube, interviewed with Graham Hancock, 13 January 1998.
11. Gribbin, Fire on Earth, 125.
12. Scientific American, March 1996, 34.
13. См, к примеру, Ferris, «Is This the End?» The New Yorker, 27 January 1997, 47.
14. Brez-Carlisle, Dinosaurs, 88–89.
15. Fred Hoyle, The Origin of the Universe and the Origin of Religion (R.I.and London: Moyer Bell, Wakefield, 1993), 32.
16. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, «Solar System».
17. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 65.
18. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 27–28.
19. Bailey, Clube, Napier, Origin of Comets, 397; Palmer, Catastrophism, 6.
20. Ibid.
21. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 75-
22. Bailey, Clube, and Napier, Origin of Comets, 395; Clube and Napier,Cosmic Serpent, 66.
23. Согласно Виктору Клабу, из интервью с Грэмом Хэнкоком 13 января 1998 года.
24. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15 th edition, «Solar System». See also Verschuur, Impact, 44; Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 126–127; Clube and Napier,Cosmic Serpent, 66; Bailey, Clube, Napier, Origin of Comets, 395.
25. Palmer, Catastrophism, 6; Brez-Carlisle, Dinosaurs, 89.
26. Brez-Carlisle, Dinosaurs, 88—89-
27. Verschuur, Impact, 57.
28. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15 th edition, «Solar System». Penguin Dictionary of Astronomy, 81.
29. Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 73; Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 111.
30. Penguin Dictionary of Astronomy, 178; Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 111.
31. Penguin Dictionary of Astronomy, 178.
32. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 112; Walter Alvarez et al., Catastrophes andEvolution: Astronomical Foundations (Cambridge University Press, 1989), 172–173.
33. Duncan Steel, in Thomas, Chyba, McKay, Origin of Comets, 211.
34. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 112; Alvarez, Catastrophes and Evolution, 172–173; Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 122.
35. Brian Marsden, quoted in Levy, Quest for Comets, 10.
36. Verschuur, Impact, 116.
37. Ibid., 116–117.
38. Ibid., 117.
39. Ibid.
40. Ibid.
41. Ibid., 117.
42. Levy, Quest for Comets, 7-
43. Ibid., 8,11; Verschuur, Impact, 117.
44. Levy, Quest for Comets, 9.
45. Ibid, 10.
46. Ibid.
47. Ibid.
48. Cited in Ibid, 11.
49. Brian Marsden, cited in Ibid.
50. Ibid, 11; Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 147.
51. Levy, Quest for Comets, 11; Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 147.
52. Verschuur, Impact, 118.
53. Ibid.
54. Dr. Clark Chapman, in Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 123.
55. Revelation 12:3–4.
56. Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 74; Quest for Know/edge, May 1997, 52.
57. Philip Dauber and Richard Muller, Three Big Bangs (New York: HelixBoob, 1996), 71.
58. David Morrison, McKay, in Thomas, Chyba, Comets and Origin, 254.
59. Ibid.
60. Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, Lifecloud, 100.
61. Appian Way, The Riddle of the Earth (London: Chapman and HallLtd, 1925), 166.
62. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 65.
63. Levy, Quest for Comets, 194.
64. Penguin Dictionary of Astronomy, 201.
65. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, «Solar System». Catalogue of Cometaiy Orbits, 12th ed. (Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams). Harvard, 1997.
66. Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, Life on Mars, 173–174; Brez-Carlisle, Dinosaurs, 4,107; Verschuur, Impact, 7—10.
67. Ignatius Donnelly, Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel (London: Sampson Low, 1888), 85; Dauber and Muller, Three Big Bangs, 51.
68. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 126.
69. Dauber and Muller, Three Big Bangs, 51.
70. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 126.
71. The Sunday Times (London), 27 October 1996.
72. Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 73-
73. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 138; Donnelly, Ragnarok, 409.
74. Donnelly, Ragnarok, 409–410.
75- Appian Way, Riddle, 163—64.
76. Verschuur, Impact, 133; Penguin Dictionary of Astronomy, 15–16.
77. Verschuur, Impact, 61.
78. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 258.
79- Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 134.
80. См. главы 19 и 20. Дэвид Леви, один из первооткрывателей кометы Шумейкера-Леви-9, также открыл две долгопериодические кометы, движущиеся по тем же орбитам; одна из них достигает перигелия за три месяца до другой. Он представил данные по этим кометам Брайану Мэрсдену из Международного астрономического союза, который пришел к следующему заключению: «Примерно 12 000 лет назад единая комета разделилась на две части при приближении к Солнцу. Эти части разделились не сразу, но оставались в виде двойной кометы еще несколько тысячелетий. Лишь на значительном удалении от Солнца они начали расходиться в стороны». См. Levy, Quest for Comets, 108.
81. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 257.
82. Ibid.
83. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 133.
84. Verschuur, Impact, 59.
85. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 133.
86. См. главы 19 и 20.
Глава 23. Странник в бездне1. R. О. Faulkner, ed. The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts (New York: Oxford University Press, 1969), 70.
2. Ibid., 155.
3. Ibid, 144.
4. Penguin Dictionary of Astronomy, 253; Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th.. edition, «Galaxies», «Milky Way».
5. Ibid, 159.
6. Penguin Dictionary of Astronomy, 284; Alvarez, Catastrophes and Evolution, 155–159.
7. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, Cosmic Winter.
8. Cm. Hancock and Bauval, The Orion Mystery.
9. Ibid.
10. Collins, Stars and Planets, 232.
11. Примерно от 17 000—7000 лет до настоящего времени. См. Hancock, Fingerprints ofthe Gods.
12. E. A. Wallis Budge, The Book of Us Dead (London and New York: Arkana, 1986), 14–15.
13. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, «Milky Way».
14. Alvarez, Catastrophes and Evolution, 154–155, citing Urasin, 1987.
15. Ibid.
16. Clube, interview with Hancock.
17. Brez-Carlisle, Dinosaurs, 114.
18. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 143.
19. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 98; Alvarez, Catastrophes and Evolution, 10,135.
20. Bailey, Clube, Napier, Origin of Comets, 264.
21. Ibid.
22. Philips Atlas of the Universe (London: Reed Consumer Books Ltd, 1996), 175.
23. Gould’s Belt, confirmed by Clube, 1 February 1998 by phone; Clubeand Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 33; Alvarez, Catastrophes and Evolution, 157.
24. Walter Scott, ed, Hermetica (Boston: Shambhala, 1993), 457.
25. Palmer, Catastrophism, 58.
26. Clube, интервью с Грэмом Хэнкоком.
27. Thomas, Chyba, McKay, Comets and Origin, 9.
28. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 36.
29. Ibid., 36, 39.
30. Albritton, Catastrophic Episodes, 99.
31. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 40.
32. Ibid., 215–216.
33. Ibid.
34. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 143.
35. Ibid, 134.
36. Palmer, Catastropbism, 5.
37. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 134.
38. Ibid., 134.
39- Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 49-
40. Bailey, Clube, Napier, Origin of Comets, 250–251.
41. Palmer, Catastropbism, 5; Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 134.
42. Hoyle, Origin of Universe, 30.
43. Palmer, Catastropbism, 5.
44. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 33–35.