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big AI generation company in Laniakea region.

A Universe triggering company is looking for Laws of Physics designer.

Relevant for organic structures of at least 500k Gen53.1 souls on AI substrate >D^7C with >100M years experience of universe ignition.

General Government is opening a wide range of positions to Black-Hole-Unpack Primary Project line. New phase of Supermassive Black Holes is an exciting milestone on the way to save the Universe.

[[nested universe model and active matter preservation projects]]

Exponent Igniters company is looking for a talented field analyst.

Become a critical player in the history – support multiple civilization companies, that would like to establish exponential evolution for their fraction. End-to-end process from planning of exponent, ecosystem adjustment, integration into world economy, moral tuning, violation clean-ups and more. Work at the field.

[Required skills: Proven ability to manage exponential evolution of technologies, assurance of low risk for existential crisis, strong background in cultural and moral modelling and integration. Programming of high efficiency auto-business generators. Teamwork with other agents on multi-exponent realm.

Exponent Igniters – we grow civilizations.]

Assistant referees to a History-Shaping competitions.

Required skills:

>P9-depth processing of up to 10B characters and 10k players for 2k years.

Experience in ethics determination and regulation within boundaries of the world.

Ability to focus on details of single character events as long as cross space-time of multiple generations.

[Virtual world-simulation company, delivering product for historical lines competitions, is recruiting skilled referees to analyse and enforce rules of competition.

Limits of competition assume up to 10k players managing up to 10B characters simultaneously for period of 2k years.

Become a part of Famous History Shaping competitions, examine boundaries of ethics, supervise billions of virtual lives, correct historical violations, disqualify players for breaking rules, solve major conflicts leading to end of the world, inspect and enforce proper functionality of world simulation environment and more.]

Famous neural-movies studio is looking for a talented Feelings’ composer. Work with full spectrum of perception for mirrored consciousness.

Remember the first time you have experienced your neural movie – probably even within age restrictions only visual and other standard peripheral senses. The depth of connection remains with you throughout your life, shaping the very nature of who you are. And now, when you are by yourself a Feeling's composer, your perception projections are exceeding any imaginary spectrum of senses, thoughts, hormonal biases and visual conceptualization in a miracle harmony of creation.


Portfolio of unique senses and feeling compositions.

High granularity motoric assertion for extended body.

Active feedback control – provide examples of sense tuner modules and feelings adjustments for multiple scenarios.

Demonstration of state-of-the-art neural resonance instruments.]

Looking for Personality-recovery engineer.

Expected proven records of successful heavy soul recovery cases from over-tuned brain knobs, neural virus damage, drug-flash and others. Work with soul databases, consciousness analysis, modelling and re-integration.

In our world of full neural control capabilities, and loose constraints of Freedom-Of-Personality lows (#ye!), species are frequently exceeding the boundaries of personality protection and getting into corner cases that does not permit further conscious control.

[Large Personality management company is seeking talented soul recovery engineer.

Work on most sophisticated cases of lost consciousness, ethical and legal challenges, fulfilling path and greetings of saved souls, excitement of investigations and sensitivity of intimate connection. Enjoy saving souls.]

Sense programmer position at start-up company, developing high spectrum multi-dimensional sensory packages in niche applications. Post-student position is possible. Synaptic load of up to 12T.


To a Bio-AI cloning and integration company – Architect of moral-filters for virtual AIs on their transition to the physical world.

(No time constraints)



[b for (Equation == TRUE) {

#include install.initiate in UPGRADE

Result = service.ult}]

Еда, кошка, еда, еда, лететь, исток, еда, еда, лететь

(из "Возвращение к истокам", Голубь)

клавиатура = sqrt(пергамент*нерв)

Пиздец! [Pizde'ts!]. (vulgar) Extreme degree of anything. Was captured as the last word before the beginning of the nuclear WWIII (applied standalone).

[ *The last phrase on earth was "Beautiful friend, the end"]

-Yes, Yes, I am too old to remember the rise and the fall of private cryptocurrency. -It was really legal once. – Oh yeah. People made tons of money out of nowhere. It was a financial dream of freedom from, yet not quite a freedom to. -What a complex end. – the end is always simple – It was a biggest trap governments worldwide agreed on to take down all the mafia and the financial War holes at once.

[Mashiah is not coming.]

Elegy to the Reverse Dialectics "Ki or at ve el or tashuvi"

[We were born by the edge of the black hole:

Epsilon between souls. Twin waveforms.

Infinity of devotion. The shadow of irreversible gradient.

You have a universe to cross, carrying memories of motionless me. ]

_differential(_expected(in_ref||out_ref, certainty = high), _perceived (in_ref||out_ref, bias)).max = #universe.mortal

[(The biggest sadness is the mortality of universe)]

В ваш гееном сюда никаких других цветов тела не будет.

– Мама, скоро мы вырастем и сможем сделать рай. – скоро уже – через пару тысяч лет, A196

Новые техники обеспечения качества очень интересны космическим кампаниям. Propose a lecture on Risk-management-based quality.

Energy cost optimization for time branch simulation through важен ли тот вечер reality.diff(threshold>Th), запах моря, браслет на тонкой reality.states.cache(@split) and я найду тебя iterative reality.sim(layer{0..7}.

Жизнь же неизбежно должна находиться в разделе Фантастика, но эти Homo Sapiens непременно возвращают её в Драму.

Я знаю, что завтра и послезавтра засну – не отменяет желания спать. Знание следующего момента не позволяет не делать этого. Можно, но ненадолго – пока тяжело бороться со временем.

[The sense of prophesy produces a feeling, similar to a somnolence. You cannot oppose the time relentlessly.]

((И вот уж пропасть в танк несётся, и генерал, понуро кричащий с трибуквы

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