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2. R. Plomin. Development, Genetics and Psychology, Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1986.

3. G. Edmund, D. Schalling and A. Rissler. Interaction Effects of Extraversion and Neuroticism on Direct Thresholds, Biological Psychology 9, 1979.

4. R. Stelmack. Biological Bases of Extraversion: Psychophysiological Evidence, Journal of Personality, 58 (1990).

5. H. Koelega. Extraversion and Vigilance Performance: Thirty Years of Inconsistencies, Psychological Bulletin, 112 (1992).

6. G. Kochanska. Toward a Synthesis of Parental Socialization and Child Temperament in Early Development of Conscience, Child Development, 64 (1993).

7. L. Daoussis and S. McKelvie. Musical Preferences and Effects of Music on a Reading Comprehension Test for Extraverts and Introverts, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 62 (1986).

8. G. Mangan and R. Sturrock. Lability and Recall, Personality and Individual Differences, 9 (1988).

9. E. Howarth and H. Eysenck. Extraversion Arousal and Paired Associate Recall, Journal of Experimental Research in Personality, 3 (1968).

10. L. Davies and P. Johnson. An Assessment of Conscious Content As Related to Introversion-Extraversion. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 3 (1983–1984).

11. P. Deo and A. Singh. Some Personality Correlates of Learning Without Awareness, Behaviorometric, 3 (1973).

12. M. Ohrman and R. Oxford. Adult Language Learning Styles and Strategies in an Intensive Training Setting, Modern Language Journal, 74 (1990).

13. R. Pivik, R. Stelmack, F. Bylsma. Personality and Individual Differences in Spinal Motoneuronal Excitability, Psychophysiology, 25 (1988).

14. W. Revelle, M. Humphreys, L. Simon and K. Gillian. The Interactive Effect of Personality, Time of Day and Caffeine: A Test of the Arousal Model, Journal of Experimental Psychology General, 109 (1980).

15. B. Smith, R. Wilson and R. Davidson. Electrodermal Activity and Extraversion: Caffeine, Preparatory Signal and Stimulus Intensity Effects. Personality and Individual Differences, 5 (1984).

16. S. Calkins and N. Fox. Individual Differences in the Biological Aspects of Temperament, in Temperament, ed. Bates and Wachs.

17. D. Arcus. Biological Mechanisms and Personality: Evidence from Shy Children. Advances: The Journal of Mind-Body Health, 10 (1994).

18. R. Larsen and Timothy Ketelaar. Susceptibility to Positive and Negative Emotional States, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61 (1991).

19. D. Daniels and R. Plomin. Origins of Individual Differences in Infant Shyness, Developmental Psychology, 21 (1985).

20. J. Kagan, J. Reznick and N. Snidman. Biological Bases of Childhood Shyness, Science, 240 (1988).

21. J. Highley and S. Suomi. Temperamental Reactivity in Non-Human Primates, in Temperament in Childhood, ed. G. Kohnstamm, J. Bates and M. Rothbart, New York: Wiley, 1989.

22. T. Wachs and B. King. Behavioral Research in the Brave New World of Neuroscience and Temperament in Temperament, ed., Bates and Wachs.

23. M. Mead. Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies, New York: Morrow, 1935.

24. G. Kohnstamm. Temperament in Childhood: Cross-Cultural and Sex Differences, in Temperament in Childhood, ed. Kohnstamm et al.

25. Social Reputation and Peer Relationship in Chinese and Canadian Children: A Cross-Cultural Study, Child Development, 63, 1992.

26. B. Zumbo and S. Taylor. The Construct Validity of the Extraversion Subscales of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 25, 1993.

27. M. Nagane. Development of Psychological and Physiological Sensitivity Indices to Stress Based on State Anxiety and Heart Rate. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 70, 1990.

28. K. Nakano. Role of Personality Characteristics in Coping Behaviors. Psychological Reports, 71, 1992.

29. Riane Eisler. The Chalice and the Blade, San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1987; Riane Eisler. Sacred Pleasures, San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1995).

Глава 2. Копаем глубже

1. M. Weissbluth. Sleep-Loss Strees and Temperamental Difficultness: Psychobiological Processes and Practical Considerations, in Temperament in Childhood, ed. Kohnstamm, et al.

2. M. Main, N. Kaplan and J. Cassidy. Security in Infancy, Childhood and Adulthood: A Move to the Level of Representation, in Growing Points of Attachment Theory and Research. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, ed. I. Bretherton and E. Waters, 50, 1985.

3. J. Kagan. Galen›s Prophecy, New York: Basic Books, 1994.

4. S. Calkins and N. Fox. Individual Differences in the Biological Aspects of Temperament, in Temperament, ed. Bates and Wachs.

5. Temperament, ed. Bates and Wachs.

6. G. Mettetal. A Preliminary Report on the IUSB Parent Project, paper, International Network on Personal Relationship, Normal, Ind., May 1991.

7. M. Rothbart, D. Derryberry and M. Posner. A Psychobiological Approach to the Development of Temperament, ed. Bates and Wachs.

8. M. Gunnar. Psychoendocrine Studies of Temperament and Stress in Early Childhood, in Temperament, ed. Bates and Wachs.

9. M. Nachmias. Maternal Personality Relations With Toddler›s Attachment Classification, Use of Coping Strategies, and Adrenocortical Stress Response, paper, 60th annual meeting of the society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans, La., March 1993.

10. R. Cann and D. C. Donderi. Jungian Personality Typology and the Recall of Everyday and Archetypal Dreams, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 50, 1988.

11. C. Jung. Freud and Psychoanalysis, vol. 4. The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, ed. W. McGuire, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1961.

12. C. Jung. Psychological Types, vol. 6. The Collected Works.

Глава 3. Общее состояние здоровья и образ жизни СЧЛ

1. D. Stern. Diary of a Baby, New York: Basic Books, 1990.

2. S. Bell and M. Ainsworth. Infant Crying and Maternal Responsiveness, Children Development, 43, 1972.

3. J. Bowlby. Attachment and Loss, New York: Basic Books, 1973.

4. R. Josselson. The Space Between Us: Exploring the Dimensions of Human Relationship, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1992.

5. T. Adler. Speed of Sleep’s Arrival Signals Sleep Deprivation. The American Psychological Association Monitor, 24, 1993.

6. R. Jevning, A. Wilson and J. Davidson. Adrenocortical Activity During Meditation, Hormones and Behavior 10, 1978.

Глава 4. Переосмысление детства и подросткового возраста

1. H. Goldsmith, D. Bradshaw and L. Rieser-Danner. Temperament as a Potential Developmental Influence, in Temperament and Social Interaction in Infants and Children, ed. J. Lerner and R. Lerner, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1986.

2. A. Lieberman. The Emotional Life of the Toddler, New York: The Free Press, 1993.

3. J. Will, P. Self and N. Datan. Maternal Behavior and Perceived Sex of Infant, American Journal, 46, 1976.

4. Hinde. Temperament as an Intervening Variable, 32.

5. J. Cameron. Parental Treatment, Children›s Temperament and the Risk of Childhood Behavioral Problems, American Journal Orthopsychiatry, 47, 1977.

6. J. Asendorpf. Abnormal Shyness in Children, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 34, 1993.

7. L. Silverman. Parenting Young Gifted Children, Special Issue: Intellectual Giftedness in Young Children, Journal of Children in Contemporary Society, 18, 1986.

8. A. Caspi, D. Bem and G. Elder. Continuities and Consequences of Interactional Styles Across the Life Course, Journal of Personality, 57, 1989.

Глава 5. Социальное взаимодействие

1. H. Gough and A. Thorne. Positive, Negative and Balanced Shyness: Self-Definitions and the Reactions of Others, in Shyness: Perspectives on Research and Treatment, ed. W. Jones, J. Cheek and S. Briggs, New York: Plenum, 1986.

2. S. Brodt and P. Zimbardo. Modifying Shyness-Related Social Behavior Through Symptom Misattribution, Journal of Personality and Society Psychology, 41, 1981.

3. P. Zimbardo. Shyness: What It Is, What to Do About, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1977.

4. M. Bruch, J. Gorsky, T. Collins and P. Berger/ Shyness and Sociability Reexamined: A Multicomponent Analysis, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57, 1989.

5. C. Lord and P. Zimbardo. Actor-Observer Differences in the Perceived Stability of Shyness, Social Cognition, 3, 1985.

6. S. Hotard, R. McFatter, R. McWhirter, M. Stegall. Interactive Effects of Extraversion, Neuroticism and Social Relationships on Subjective Well-Being, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57, 1989.

7. A. Thorne. The Press of Personality: A Study of Conversations Between Introverts and Extravers, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53, 1987.

8. C. Jung. Psychological Types, vol. 6, The Collected Works.

9. R. Kincel. Creativity in Projection and the Experience Type, British Journal of Projective Psychology and Pesonality Study, 28, 1983.

10. An Unwillingness to Act: Behavioral Appropriateness, Situational Constraint and Self-Efficacy in Shyness, Journal of Personality, 57, 1989.

Глава 6. Процветание в рабочей обстановке

1. J. Campbell. Joseph Campbell: The Power of Myth with Bill Moyers, ed. B. Flowers, New York: Doubleday, 1988.

2. A. Wiesenfeld, P. Whitman and C. Malatasta. Individual Differences Among Adult Women in Sensitivity to Infants, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 40, 1984.

3. D. Lovecky. Can You Hear the Flowers Sing? Issues for Gifted Adults, Journal of Counseling and Development, 64, 1986.

4. J. Cheek. Conquering Shyness, New York Dell, 1989.

Глава 7. Близкие отношения

1. A. Aron, M. Paris, E. Aron. Prospective Studies of Falling in Love and Self-Concept Change, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, in press.

2. C. Hazan and P. Shaver. Romantic Love Conceptualized As an Attachment Process, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, 1987.

3. A. Aron, D. Dutton and A. Iverson. Experiences of Falling in Love, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 6, 1989.

4. D. Dutton and A. Aron. Some Evidence for Heightened Sexual Attraction under Conditions of High Anxiety, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 30, 1974.

5. G. White, S. Fishbein and J. Rutstein. Passionate Love and Misattribution of Arousal, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 41, 1981.

6. E. Walster. The Effect of Self-Esteem on Romantic Liking, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 1, 1965.

7. D. Taylor, R. Gould and P. Brounstein. Effects of Personalistic Self-Disclosure, Personality and Social Psychology, 7, 1981.

8. J. Ford. The Temperament/Actualization Concept, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 35, 1995.

9. J. Gottman. Marital Interaction: Experimental Investigations, New York: Academic Press, 1979.

10. A. Aron and E. Aron. The Self-Expansion Model of Motivation and Cognition in Close Relationships, in the Handbook of Personal Relationships, 2nd Edition, ed. S. Duck and W. Ickes, Chichester, UK: Wiley, 1996.

11. N. Glenn. Quantitative Research on Marital Quality in the 1980s: A Critical Review, Journal of Marriage and the Family, 52, 1990.

12. H. Markman, F. Floyd, S. Stanley and R. Storasli, Prevention of Marital Distress: A Longitudinal Investigation, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56, 1988.

13. C. Reissman, A. Aron and M. Bergen. Shared Activities and Marital Satisfaction, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 10, 1993.

Глава 8. Исцеление глубоких ран

1. J. Braungart, R. Plomin, J. DeFries and D. Fulker. Genetic Influence on Tester-Rated Infant Temperament As Assessed by Bayley›s Infant Behavior Record, Development Psychology, 28, 1992.

2. J. Pennebaker. Opening Up: The Healing Power of Confiding in Others, New York: Morrow, 1990).

3. Update on Mood Disorders: Part II, The Harvard Mental Health Letter 11, January 1995.

Глава 9. Медики, медикаменты и СЧЛ

1. N. Solomon and M. Lipton. Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired, New York: Wynwood, 1989.

2. C. Nivens and K. Gijsbers. Do Low Levels of Labour Pain Reflect Low Sensitivity to Noxious Stimulation? Social Scientific Medicine, 29, 1989.

3. Peter J. Kramer. Listening to Prozac, New York: Penguin Group, 1993.

4. S. Suomi. Uptight and Laid-Back Monkeys: Individual Differences in the Response to Social Challenges, in Plasticity of Development, ed. S. Branch, W. Hall and E. Dooling, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1991.

5. S. Suomi. Primate Separation Models of Disorder, in Neurobiology of Learning, Emotion and Affect, ed. J. Madden IV (New York: Raven Press, 1991).

6. M. Raleigh and M. McGuire. Social and Environmental Influences on Blood Serotonin and Concentrations in Monkeys, Archives of General Psychiatry, 41, 1984.

7. M. Raleigh et al., Serotonergic Mechanisms Promote Dominance Acquisition in Adult Male Vervet Monkeys, Brain Research, 559, 1991.

8. J. Ellison and P. Stanziani. SSRI-Associated Nocturnal Bruxism in Four Patients, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 54, 1993

9. J. Chen and R. Hartley. Scientific Versus Commercial Sources of Influence on the Prescribing Behavior of Physicians, American Journal of Medicine, 73, July 1982.

Глава 10. Душа и дух

1. R. Moore. Space and Transformation in Human Experience, in Anthropology and the Study of Religion, ed. R. Moore and F. Reynolds, Chicago: Center for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1984.

2. M. von Franz and J. Hillman. Lectures on Jung’s Typology, Dallas: Spring, 1984, 33.

3. Victor Frankl. Man’s Search for Meaning, New York: Washington Square Press, 1946/1985.

4. E. Hillesum. An Iterrupted Life, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981.

5. M. Sinetar. Ordinary People as Monks and Mystics, New York: Paulist Press, 1986, 133.

6. C. Jung. Man and His Symbols, Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1964.

7. C. Jung. Synchronicity, The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche, vol. 8, The Collected Works.

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