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2 (2007): 40.


Richard Gough, The Jungle Was Red: SOE’s Force 136, Sumatra and Malaya (Singapore: SNP Panpac, 2003), 99.


Служебная записка группы 136 УСО группе B, тема: «Операции БСС в Малайе», 12 декабря 1944 г. // SOE Force 136 memorandum to Group B, subject: “O.S.S. Operations in Malaya,” 12 December 1944, 1, in File HS1/308, “S.O.E. Far East-C. Files,” British National Archives.


Служебная записка группы 136 УСО для протокола, тема: «Конференция с замечаниями БСС», 4 января 1945 г. // SOE Force 136 memorandum for record, subject: “Conference with OSS Notes,” 4 January 1945, 3–6, in File HS1/307, SOE Far East-C Files, no. 185, vol. 1, British National Archives.


Служебная записка группы 136 УСО для протокола, тема: «Протоколы заседания от 17 мая 1945 г.» // SOE Force 136 memorandum for record, subject: “Minutes of Meeting Held on the 17th May, 1945,” n.d., 1, in File HS1/308, “S.O.E. Far East-C. Files,” British National Archives.


Trenowden, Operations Most Secret, 171, 185.


Документ УСО, тема: «Выдержка из сообщения от КЕРНГОРМа IV» SOE document, subject: “Abstract of Message from CAIRNGORM IV,” n.d., 1; служебная записка Группы B в штаб группы 136, тема: «БСС» //Group B memorandum to HQ Force 136, subject: “O.S.S.,” 1; записка БСС группе 136, тема «Операции БСС в Малайе» 1 августа 1945 г. // OSS memorandum to Force 136, subject: “OSS Operations in Malaya,” 1 August 1945, 1, in File HS1/308, “S.O.E. Far East-C. Files,” British National Archives.


Aldrich, Intelligence and the War Against Japan, 333; Kratoska, The Japanese Occupation of Malaya, 304–305. Kratoska has Operation YOUNG working with the Third Regimental Group of MPAJA rather than AJUF.


Подполковник Эймос Москрип, служебная записка БСС, тема: «Американские действия в Малайе», 15 сентября 1945 г. // Lieutenant Colonel Amos D. Moscrip, OSS memorandum, subject: “American Activities in Malaya,” 15 September 1945, 1, in File HS1/308, “S.O.E. Far East-C. Files,” British National Archives.


Досье УСО AL-1210, «Отчеты отдела» // SOE file AL-1210, “P Division Reports,” n.d., 62, British National Archives; Aldrich, Intelligence and the War Against Japan, 186.


Kratoska, The Japanese Occupation of Malaya, 2.


Директива оперативного отдела Главного командования союзных сил для УСО/БСС/ШССН, тема: «Деятельность УСО/БСС (СО)», 19 сентября 1944 г. // SHAEF G-3 directive to SOE/OSS/SFHQ, subject: “SOE/OSS (SO) Activities,” 19 September 1944, 1, in File WO219/5307, HS/SHAEF/821/1, “SOE/OSS Activities,” British National Archives.


Директива оперативного отдела Главного командования союзных сил генерал-майору Темплару в военное министерство и в отдел специальных операций БСС, тема: «Деятельность БСС/СО и УСО в Германии», 29 января 1945 г.//SHAEF G-3 directive to Major General Templar, The War Office, and Special Operations Branch, OSS, subject: “OSS(SO) and SOE activities in Germany,” 29 January 1945, 1, in File WO219/5307, HS/SHAEF/821/1, “SOE/OSS Activities,” British National Archives.


Директива оперативного отдела Главного командования союзных сил генерал-майору Темплару, 29 января 1945 г.// SHAEF G-3 directive to Major General Templar, 29 January 1945, 1.


Aaron Bank, From OSS to Green Berets: The Birth of Special Forces (Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1986), 69.


Sutherland. Special Forces of the United States Army, 16; Bank, From OSS to Green Berets, 73.


Bank, From OSS to Green Berets, 89–99.


Charles Fenn, At the Dragons Gate: With the OSS in the Far East (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2004), 22.


Maochun Yu, OSS in China: Prelude to Cold War (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1996), 15.


Alfred T. Cox, “Report on Activities of Operational Group Command, Office of Strategic Services, China Theater,” 7 October 1945, 1, RG 226, NARA II.


Сайт отдела оперативных групп БСС: http://ossog.info/china.html (accessed 5 December 2006).


Hogan, U.S. Army Special Operations in World War II, 126–127; OSS Operational Groups website, accessed 5 December 2006, http://ossog.info/china.html.


Paul Cyr, “We Blew the Yellow River Bridge,” The Saturday Evening Post, 23 March 1946; Lawrence H. McDonald, “The OSS and Its Records,” in Chalou, The Secrets War, 95.


McDonald, “The OSS and Its Records,” 95.


Hogan, U.S. Army Special Operations in World War II, 126.


LaFeber, America, Russia, and the Cold War, 1945–1966, 1967 ed., 99.


Eugene G. Piasecki, “The 8240th Army Unit (AU) Recognized: Eighth United States Army (EUSA) Guerrilla Command,” Veritas vol. 9, no. 1 (2013), 135; Kenneth Finlayson, “Closing Acts: The Special Warfare Campaign at the End of the Korean War,” Veritas, vol. 9, no. 1 (2013), 1.


Finlayson, “Closing Acts,” 1–2; Michael E. Krivdo and Troy J. Sacquety, “CCRAK: The Combined Command for Reconnaissance Activities, Korea,” Veritas, vol. 9, no. 1 (2013), 43.


Kenneth Finlayson, “A Combat First: Army SF Soldiers in Korea, 1953–1955,” Veritas, vol. 9, no. 1 (2013): 58, 64.


Sam Sarkesian, quoted in Finlayson, “A Combat First,” 64.


Michael E. Krivdo, “The Army’s Guerrilla Command in Korea, Part 2: The Rest of the Story,” Veritas, vol. 9, no. 1 (2013), 14.


Finlayson, “A Combat First,” 64.


Krivdo, “The

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