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Farmer, P. E. Hidden epidemics of tuberculosis. Infectious Disease and Social Inequalities: From Hemispheric Insecurity to Global Cooperation. A Working Paper of the Latin American Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Washington, D. C.: Wilson Center, 1999; 31–55.

Farmer, P E. Managerial successes, clinical failures. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 1999; 3 (5): 365–367.

Farmer, P E. Pathologies of power: Rethinking health and human rights. American Journal of Public Health 1999; 89 (10): 1486-96.

Farmer, P E. ТВ superbugs: The coming plague on all our houses. Natural History 1999; 108 (3): 46–53.

Farmer, P E. The consumption of the poor: Tuberculosis in the twenty-first century. Ethnography 2000; 1 (2): 211–244.

Farmer, P. E. The major infectious diseases in the world – to treat or not to treat? New England Journal of Medicine 2001; 345 (3): 208–210.

Farmer, P E. Can transnational research be ethical in the developing world? Lancet 2002; 360: 1266.

Farmer, P E., Bayona, J., Becerra, M. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and the need for biosocial perspectives. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2001;

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Farmer, P E., Bayona, J., Becerra, M., Furin, J. J., Henry, C., Hiatt, H., Kim, J. Y., Mitnick, C. D., Nardell, E., Shin, S. S. The dilemma of MDRTB in the global era. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 1998; 2 (11): 869–876.

Farmer, P. E., Bayona, J., Becerra, M., Kim, J. Y., Shin, S. S. Reducing transmission through community-based treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 1998; 2 (11 supp. 2): S190.

Farmer, P. E., Bayona, J., Shin, S. S., Alvarez, L., Becerra, M., Nardell, E., Nucez, C., Sanchez, E., Tim-peri, R., Kim, J. Y. Preliminary results of community-based MDRTB treatment in Lima, Peru. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 1998; 2 (11 supp. 2): S371.

Farmer, P. E., Furin, J. J. Sexe, drogue, et violences structu-relles: Les femmes et le V I. H. Journal des Anthropologues 1997; 68–69: 35–46.

Farmer, P E., Furin, J. J., Bayona, J., Becerra, M., Henry, C., Hiatt, H., Kim, J. Y., Mitnick, C. D., Nardell, E., Shin, S. S. Management of MDR-TB in resource-poor countries. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 1999; 3 (8): 643–645.

Farmer, P E., Furin, J. J., Shin, S. S. Managing multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Journal of Respiratory Diseases 2000; 21 (1): 53-56.

Farmer, P. E., Gastineau, N. Rethinking health and human rights: Time for a paradigm shift. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 2002; 30 (4): 655–666.

Farmer, P E., Kim, J. Y. Anthropology, accountability, and the prevention of AIDS. Journal of Sex Research 1991; 25 (2): 203–221.

Farmer, P E., Kim, J. Y. Community-based approaches to the control of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: Introducing DOTS-plus. British Medical Journal 1998; 317:671–674.

Farmer, P E., Kim, J. Y. Resurgent ТВ in Russia: Do we know enough to act? European Journal of Public Health 2000; 10 (2): 150–152.

Farmer, P. E., Kleinman, A. AIDS as human suffering. Daedalus 1989; 118 (2): 135–160.

Farmer, P. E., Le andre, F., Mukherjee, J. S., Claude,

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Farmer, P E., Le andre, F., Mukherjee, J., Gupta, R., Tarter, L., Kim, J. Y. Community-based treatment of advanced HIV disease: Introducing DOT-HAART (directly observed therapy with highly active antiretroviral therapy). WHO Bulletin 2001; 79 (12): 1145-51.

Farmer, P E., Lindenbaum, S., Good, M. J. Women, poverty, and AIDS: An introduction. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 1993; 17 (4): 387~398-

Farmer, P E., Nardell, E. Nihilism and pragmatism in tuberculosis control. American Journal of Public Health 1998; 88 (7): 4–5.

Farmer, P E., Robin, S., Ramilus, S. L., Kim, J. Y. Tuberculosis, poverty, and “compliance”: Lessons from rural Haiti. Seminars in Respiratory Infections 1991; 6 (4): 254–260.

Farmer, P E., Rylko-Bauer, B. L. L’exceptionnel systeme de sante americain: Critique d’une medecine a vocation commerciale. Actes de la recherche en Sciences sociales 2001; 139: 13–30.

Farmer, P. E., Smith-Fawzi, M. C., Nevil, P Unjust embargo of aid for Haiti. Lancet 2003; 361: 420–423.

Farmer, P E., Walton, D., Tarter, L. Infections and inequalities. Global Change and Human Health 2000; 1 (2): 94-109.

Furin, J. J., Mitnick, C., Shin, S. S., Bayona, J., Becerra, M., SlNGLER, J., ALCBNTARA, F., CASTANEDA, C., Sanchez, E., Acha, J., Farmer, P E., Kim, J. Y. Occurrence of serious adverse effects in patients receiving community-based therapy for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. International Journal for Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2001;

Furin, J. J., Becerra, M. C., Shin, S. S., Kim, J. Y., Bayona, J., Farmer, P. E. Effect of administering short-course, standard regimens in individuals infected with drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2000; 19 (1): 132–136.

Furin, J. J., Mitnick, C. D., Becerra, M., Shin, S. S., Singler, J. M., Bayona, J., AlcAntara, F., Sanchez, E., Bomann, M., Kim, J. Y., Farmer, P E. Absence of serious adverse effects in a cohort of Peruvian patients receiving community-based treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 1999; 3 (9 supp. 1): S81.

Gaines, A., Farmer, P E. Visible saints: Social cynosures and dysphoria in the Mediterranean tradition. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 1986; 10 (4): 295–330.

Gupta, R., Kim, J. Y., Espinal, M. A., Caudron, J.-M., Pecoul, B., Farmer, P E., Raviglione, M. C. Responding to market failures in tuberculosis control. Science 2001; 293: 1049-51.

Kim, J. Y., Furin, J. J., Shakow, A. D., Millen, J. V, Brenner, J. G., Fordyce, M. W., Lyon, E., Bayona, J., Farmer, P. E. Treatment of multidrugresistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB): New strategies for procuring second– and third-line drugs. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 1999; 3 (9 supp. 1): S81.

Miranda, J., Farmer, P E. Social exclusion must be considered in global terms. British Medical Journal 2001; 323: 1370.

Mitnick, C., Bayona, J., Palacios, E., Shin, S. S., Furin, J. J., AlcAntara, F., SA nchez, E., Sarria, M., Becerra, M., Smith-Fawzi, M. C., Kapiga, S., Neuberg,

D., Maguire, J. H., Kim, J. Y., Farmer, P E. Community-based therapy for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Lima, Peru. New England Journal of Medicine 2003; 348 (2): 119–128.

Mukherjee, J. S., Shin, S. S., Furin, J. J., Rich, M. L., Leandre, F., Joseph, K. J., Seung, K., Acha, J., Gelmanova, I., Goncharova, E., Pasechnikov, A., Vir u, F. A., Farmer, P. E. New challenges in the clinical management of drug-resistant tuberculosis. Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice.

Rylko-Bauer, B., Farmer, P. E. Managed care or managed inequality? A call for critiques of market-based medicine. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 2002; 16 (4): 476–502.

Singler, J., Farmer, P E. Treating HIV in resource-poor settings. MSJAMA 2002; 288: 1652–1653.

Timperi, R., Sloutsky, A., Farmer, P. E. Global laboratory testing capacity for tuberculosis. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 1998; 2 (11 supp. 2): S290-291.


Farmer, P E. Social medicine and the challenge of bio-social research. In Innovative Structures in Basic Research: Ringberg-Symposium 4–7 October 2000. Plehn, G. (ed.). Munich: Gene-ralverwaltung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Referat fkr Presse-und Offentlichkeitsarbeit, pp. 55–73. Available at http://www. mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/ringberg/main.html.

Farmer, P. E. Prevention without treatment is not sustainable. National AIDS Bulletin (Australia) 2000; 13 (6): 6–9, 40.

Farmer, P E. What is appropriate empiric therapy for active tuberculosis? Ask the Expert. APUA Newsletter 2000; 18 (3): 6.

Farmer, P E. AIDS heretic. New Internationalist Jan. – Feb. 2001; 331: 14–16.

Farmer, P E. Arresting global epidemics: Are some people too poor to treat? GSAS Newsletter (Harvard University) 2001: 4–5, 12–13.

Farmer, P. E. Use of antiretroviral therapy in developing countries: A biosocial analysis. Abstracts of the 10th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, 2003, session 92, abstract 48, p. 4.

Farmer, P. E., Castro, A. Un pilote en Haiti: De l”efficacite de la distribution d”antiviraux dans des pays pauvres, et des objections qui lui sont faites. Vacarme Apr. 2002; 19: 17–22.

Farmer, P E., Castro, A. Castigo a los mas pobres de America. El Pais, Jan. 12, 2003, p. 8–9.

Farmer, P E., Castro, A. Urgence humanitaire en Haiti. Courrier International 2003; 640: 20–21.

Farmer, P E., Leandre, F., Bayona, J., Louissaint, M. DOTS-Plus for the poorest of the poor: The Partners In Health experience in Haiti. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2001; 5 (11): S257.

Farmer, P. E., Leandre, F., Koenig, S. P., Nevil,

P. Mukherjee, J., Ferrer, J., Walker, B., Ore lus, C., Smith-Fawzi, M. C. Preliminary outcomes of directly observed treatment of advanced HIV disease with ARVs (DO-THAART) in rural Haiti. Abstracts of the 10th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, 2003, session 33, abstract 171, p. 120.

Naroditskaya, V, Werner, B. G., Farmer, P. E., Becerra, M., Sloutsky, A. Limited mutation pattern found by DNA sequence analysis of rifampinresistant (rif-R) clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from Peru. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Microbiology, Chicago, Ill., 1999, session 27U, abstract U-11, p. 635.

Walton, D., Farmer, P E. The new white plague. MSJAMA (online), 2000, 284 (21): 2789.

Мне очень помогли следующие материалы о Гаити:

Aristide, J.-B. In the Parish of the Poor. Maryknoll, N. Y: Orbis Books, 1990.

Bell, M. S. All Souls Rising. New York: Pantheon, 1995.

Bell, M. S. Master of the Crossroads. New York: Pantheon, 2005. Danner, M. Beyond the mountains I. New Yorker, Nov. 27, 1989, pp. 55-100.

Gaillard, R. Hinche Mise en Croix. Port-au-Prince, Haiti: Impri-merie Le Natal, 1982.

Greene, G. The Comedians. London: Bodley Head, 1966.

Hall, R. A., Jr. Haitian Creole: Grammar, Texts, Vocabulary. Philadelphia: American Folklore Society, 1953.

Heinl, R. B., Jr., and Heinl, N. G., rev. by Heinl, M. Written in Blood: The Story of the Haitian People, 1492–1995. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1996.

James, C. L. R. The Black Jacobins: Touissant Louverture and the San Domingo Revolution. Second ed. New York: Vintage Books, 1989.

MeTRAUx, A., trans. by Hugo Charteris. Voodoo in Haiti.

New York: Schocken Books, 1972.

Shacochis, B. The Immaculate Invasion. New York: Viking Press, 1999.

Wilentz, A. The Rainy Season: Haiti After Duvalier. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989.

Книгами и статьями о туберкулезе и СПИДе можно заполнить целую библиотеку. Читателям, интересующимся клинической и социологической литературой на эти темы, я рекомендую труды Фармера и источники, на которые он ссылается. Также могу посоветовать следующие книги и их библиографии:

Bukhman, G. Reform and Resistance in Post-Soviet Tuberculosis Control. Doctoral diss., University of Arizona, Tucson. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 2001.

Garrett, L. The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World out of Balance. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1994.

Garrett, L. Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health. New York: Hyperion, 2000.

Эту книгу я читал как введение в историю анализа экономической эффективности:

Shakow, A. A Brief History of Cost Efficacy. Working paper, Partners In Health, Boston, 2000.

Авторитетный образец анализа экономической эффективности применительно к борьбе с туберкулезом можно найти здесь:

Murray, С. J. L., DeJonghe, Е., Chum, Н. J., Nyangulu, D. S., Salomao, A., Styblo, K. Cost effectiveness of chemotherapy for pulmonary tuberculosis in three sub-Saharan African countries. Lancet 1991; 338: 1305–1308.

Первая цитата ВОЗ, приведенная в главе 15, взята отсюда:

World Health Organization, Treatment of Tuberculosis:

Guidelines for National Programmes. Second edition. Geneva, 1997.

Вторая цитата отсюда:

World Health Organization, Groups at Risk: WHO Report on the Tuberculosis Epidemic. Geneva, 1998.

Также обратите внимание на следующую цитату: “Программа ВОЗ по борьбе с туберкулезом рекомендует аналогичным государственным программам в развивающихся странах давать низкий приоритет лечению хронических случаев заболевания препаратами второго ряда ввиду высокой стоимости такого лечения и малой вероятности исцеления больного”.

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