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Постижение смысла - Мартин Хайдеггер

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новый подход к пониманию череды тем, впервые очерченных в «Докладах».

Итак, Хайдеггер II начинается в 1936–1938 годах (в 47 лет) с грандиозного комплекса сочинений, который насчитывает (в печатном виде, в виде томов выпущенного издательством «Vittorio Klostermann» Собрания сочинений) около 2000 страниц. Начинается же этот комплекс, излагающий нового типа философию – «постижение истории бытия» – с работы «Доклады к философии (О событии)» (»Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis)«)[175].

В данном томе – «Besinnung» («Постижение смысла») (1938/39), который представляет собой соответствие тома 66 Собрания сочинений – мы продолжаем свое толкование Хайдеггера II. В будущем выйдут и некоторые другие тома этого философа.

About the translators

Oleg Matveychev was born on February 1,1970 in the city of Novokuznetsk. Kemerovo Region.

He graduated with honors in 1993 from the Ural State University. In 1993 he entered the graduate school of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, during his studies he worked as a teacher in universities and schools in Yekaterinburg.

In 1995 he defended his thesis on the philosophy of politics and law of Hegel. Starting in 1996 he became a researcher and senior researcher at the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch RAS, in Yekaterinburg.

Teacher of special courses at the Higher School of Economics and Moscow State University.

The best teacher of 2006 at the Higher School of Management.

Professor at the Higher School of Economics from 2007 to 2020. Voted the Best Lecturer in Philosophy in 2012 according to a student survey.

Since 2020 – Professor of the Financial University under the Government of Russia

Author of over 200 scientific publications and 20 monographs.

Matveychev pays special attention to the study of the historical and philosophical heritage of Plato and M. Heidegger. He is an author of the monograph "Political Ontologies" published in Moscow by Sovero-Print in 2001, in which the chapter "Ontology of the new time in the interpretations of M. Heideggef' is devoted to the philosophy of M. Heidegger. Matveichev is also the author of afterword to the book: Martin Heidegger – What is called thinking? M.: Book on Demand, 2015.-320 p.

On the initiative and with the support of the fund led by Matveichev the following books were translated and published: Heidegger's books "What is Called Thinking?", "Black Notebooks" in 3 volumes, "Towards Philosophy. About the Event"; Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit", "The Concept of Time"; Poggeler's "New Paths with Heidegger", Otto's "Greek Gods", Ficchino's "Plato's theology about the immortality of the soul"; Reinhardt's "Plato's Myths "and others.

Creator and editor of the first website in Russia dedicated to the philosophy of M. Heideggerwww.heidegger.ru

Alexander Pertsev was born on August 6, 1954 in the city of Nizhny Tagil. Sverdlovsk region. He graduated with a gold medal from the School 32 that was teaching a number of subjects in German. He studied this language from the second grade – from German teachers who were resettled to the Urals before the war from the Volga region, who were the descendants of those Germans who were invited to the Russian service by Peter I and Catherine II. At the Faculty of Philosophy of the Ural State University (1971–1976) he wrote term papers and thesis on the basis of his own translations. His PhD thesis is on German philosophical anthropology. Pertsev spent one year internship at the University of Vienna in 1984. The doctoral dissertation is devoted to the philosophy of the Vienna Circle and "Austro-Marxism".

Author often scientific monographs.

At present, he is a professor at the Ural Federal University (Yekaterinburg), in the Department of Philosophy. He teaches courses on the history of philosophy of the 19th – 20th centuries in the Department of Philosophy.

The most prominent translations of A. Pertsev

• Jaspers K. Philosophical Autobiography. – Yekaterinburg: Business book; Bishkek: Odyssey, 1997.

• Sloterdijk P. Critique of Cynical Reason. – Yekaterinburg: USU Publishing House, 2001.

• Junger F.G. Games. The key to their meaning. – SPb.: Vladimir Dal, 2012.-336 p.

• Nikish E. The life I dared to. Meetings and events. – SPb.: Vladimir Dal, 2012.-560 p.

• Selected translations from Nietzsche by Professor A. Pertsev – SPb.: Vladimir Dal, 2014.– 240 p.

• Sloterdijk P., Heinrichs G.-Yu. Sun and death. Dialogue research. – SPb.: Ivan Limbakh Publishing House, 2015. – 608 p.

• Spengler O. Reconstruction of the German Reich / translation from German and commentary by A. Pertsev SPb.: Publishing house Vladimir Dal, 2015.-223 p. S. 143-221

• Gvarlini R. Holderlin. Picture of the world and divine inspiration / translation and commentary by APertsev, verse. Per. Purgin S.P SPb.: Nauka, 2015. -498 p. S. 444–486.

• Guardini R. Dante's Divine Comedy: Her Basic Religious and Philosophical Ideas / translation by A. Pertsev. SPb.: Vladimir Dal, 2020. – 498 p.

Joint works of professors O. Matveichev and A. Pertsev:

– O.Poggeler, New Paths with Heidegger (Poggeler, 1992) / Translation to Russian and foreword by A.Pertsev and O. Matveichev. – SPb.: Vladimir Dal. 2019.-640 p.

– R. Pohle – Plato as an educator. Platonic Renaissance and Antimodernism in Germany (1890–1933) [R.Pohle, Platon als Erzieher. Platonrenessance und Antimodernismus in Deutschland (1890–1933). Gottingen, Wandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2017] – Translation to Russian and commentary by A.Pertsev and O. Matveichev – currently being prepared for release by the publishing house "Vladimir Dal".



H. Diels, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. Griechisch u. Deutsch. Fünfte Aufage, hrsg. v. W. Kranz. Bd. 1, Berlin 1934. Kap. 10, Die Sieben Weisen.


H. Diels, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. Griechisch u. Deutsch. Fünfte Aufage, hrsg. v. W. Kranz. Bd. 1, Berlin 1934. Kap. 10, Die Sieben Weisen.


Aeschyli Tragoediae. Recensuit G. Hermannus. Editio altera. Tomus primus. Berolini 1859.


Пиндар, Фрагмент 205 (Шрёдер).

«Начало годности к великому, Владычица Божественная Несокрытость, состояло бы в том, чтобы ты когда-либо не оборвала мое настоятельное вникание в тебя дико-жестким (грубым) искажением…»

205. Начало высочайшей доблести,

Владычица Правда,

Не споткни мою речь о жесткую ложь…

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