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Скальпель разума и крылья воображения. Научные дискурсы в английской культуре раннего Нового времени - Инна Лисович

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Ньютон И. Оптика, или Трактат об отражениях, преломлениях, изгибаниях и цветах света / пер. и примеч. СИ. Вавилова. М.: Гостехиздат, 1954.

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Синезий Киренский. Трактаты и гимны / пер. с древнегр., ст. и коммент. Т. Г. Сидаша. СПб.: Свое издательство, 2012.

Творения преподобного Макария Египетского / под ред. проф. А. И. Сидорова. М.: Паломник, 2002.

Тит Лукреций Кар. О природе вещей. Т. 1 / ред. лат. текста и пер. Ф. А. Петровского, вступ. ст. В. Ф. Асмуса. М.; Л.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1946.

Фичино М. Платоновское богословие о бессмертии душ // Чаша Гермеса: Гуманистическая мысль эпохи Возрождения и герметическая традиция / сост. О. Ф. Кудрявцев. М.: Юристъ, 1996.

Фракасторо Дж. О сифилисе / пер. с лат. В. О. Горенштейна. М.: МЕДГИЗ, 1956.

Эстетика Ренессанса: в 2 т. / сост. и науч. ред. В. П. Шестаков. М.: Искусство, 1981.

Визуальные источники

Backer Adriaen. Anatomy Lesson by Prof. Frederik Ruysch. Painting, oil on canvas,1670.

Calcar Jan Steven, van. Portrait of Vesalius. Engraving // Andreae Vesalii. De humani corporis fabrica libri septem. Basileae [Basel], Ex ofcina Joannis Oporini, 1543. P. XII.

Clamp R. Portrait of William Gilbert. Engraving stipple, publ. 1796.

Clein Francis. Mohammed, Appoloneus Tyaneus, Sir Edward Kelly, Roger Bacon, Paracelsus, John Dee. Engraving, possibly early to mid 17th century.

Cleyn Francis. Portrait of John Dee. Line engraving, engraving, 1658.

Closterman John. Portrait of Sir Christopher Wren. Painting, oil on canvas, 1690.

Hollar Wenceslaus, after John Evelyn etching. Frontispiece to “The History of the Royal-Society of London” by Thomas Sprat. Engraving. L., 1667.

Houbraken Jacobus, after Wilhelm von Bemmel. Portrait of William Harvey. Engraving, line engraving. L., publ. by John & Paul Knapton, 1739.

Hove Frederick Hendrik, van; after Simon de Passe. Portrait of Francis Bacon, Viscount St Alban. Engraving, line engraving, circa 1650–1690.

Kyte Francis. Worthies of Britain (Sir Isaac Newton; Edmond Halley; Nicholas Saunderson; John Flamsteed). Engraving. Published by John Bowles mezzotint, circa 1720–1745.

Kneller Godfrey. Portrait of Sir Christopher Wren. Painting, oil on canvas, 1711.

Kneller Godfrey. Portrait of Sir Isaac Newton. Painting, oil on canvas, feigned oval, 1702.

Mierevelt Michiel Jansz, van. Anatomy lesson of Dr. Willem van der Meer. Painting, oil on canvas, 1617.

Mytens Daniel. Portrait of William Harvey. Painting, oil on canvas, circa 1627.

Neck Jan, van. De anatomische les van Dr. Frederick Ruysch. Painting, oil on canvas, 1686.

Marshall William (printmaker). Portrait of Francis Bacon, the philosopher, seated at a table writing in a book, wearing hat and medal; the frontispiece to his “Advancement of Learning”. Engraving, 1640.

Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn. Anatomiese les van Dr. Nicolaes Tulp, 1632, Mauritshuis, Den Haag.

Smith John, after Sir Godfrey Kneller. Portrait of Sir Christopher Wren. Bt mezzotint, 1713 (1711).

Testelin Henri. Colbert présentant а Louis XIV les membres de lAcadémie royale des Sciences. Château de Versailles. Painting, circa 1667.

Thévet André. Cardinal Pierre dAilly, archevêque de Cambrai, grand prévôt de Saint-Dié // Thévet André. Vrais portraits et vies des hommes illustres: 9 vols, 1584.

Unknown artist, after Peter Lely. Portrait of Dr William Harvey. Painting, oil on canvas, ca. 1660s-1670s.

Unknown artist, after Johann Kerseboom. Portrait of Robert Boyle. Painting, oil on canvas, circa 1689–1690.

Unknown artist. Dispute of Theologus and Astronomus: Pierre d'Ailly (Petrus de Alliaco). Engraving. Augsburg: Erhardus Ratdolt 1490. P. a lv.

Unknown artist. Portrait of Pierre d'Ailly, Cardinal de Cambrai. Engraving. XVIIIe s. Copy Picart de B., 1713.

Unknown artist. Portrait of Johannes Stöffler. Engraving, 1630.

Unknown artist. Portrait of Francis Bacon, Viscount St Alban. Painting, oil on canvas, after 1731 (circa 1618).

Unknown artist. Portrait of Johannes Kepler. Painting, oil on canvas, circa 1620.

Unknown artist. Portrait of John Dee. Painting, oil on canvas, 1594?

Unknown artist. Portrait of Nicolaus Copernicus. Before 1668. Engraving, copper. The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics. Cat. no. A XXVI 2185.

Unknown artist. Portrait of Sir Isaac Newton. Studio of Enoch Seeman. Painting, oil on canvas, circa 1726.

Vertue George, after Johann Kerseboom. Portrait of Robert Boyle. Engraving, 1739.


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