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Английский язык с Г. Уэллсом "Человек-невидимка" - H. Wells

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hypothesis [haI`pOTqsIz], undeniable ["AndI`naIqbl], intensely [In`tenslI], fountain [`fauntIn]

But this is pure hypothesis. The only undeniable facts — for stories of children are often unreliable — are the discovery of Wicksteed’s body, done to death, and of the blood-stained iron rod flung among the nettles. The abandonment of the rod by Griffin, suggests that in the emotional excitement of the affair, the purpose for which he took it — if he had a purpose — was abandoned. He was certainly an intensely egotistical and unfeeling man, but the sight of his victim, his first victim, bloody and pitiful at his feet, may have released some long pent fountain of remorse which for a time may have flooded whatever scheme of action he had contrived.

After the murder of Mr. Wicksteed, he would seem to have struck across the country towards the downland. There is a story of a voice heard about sunset by a couple of men in a field near Fern Bottom. It was wailing and laughing, sobbing and groaning, and ever and again it shouted. It must have been queer hearing. It drove up across the middle of a clover field and died away towards the hills.

That afternoon the Invisible Man must have learnt something (в этот вечер Невидимка, должно быть, узнал кое-что о том; to learn) of the rapid use Kemp had made of his confidences (как быстро Кемп воспользовался его откровениями: «какое быстрое использование Кемп сделал…»; to make use of — использовать, применять). He must have found houses locked and secured (должно быть, он нашел дома запертыми и защищенными); he may have loitered about railway stations and prowled about inns (он, видимо, околачивался у железнодорожных станций, подкрадывался к трактирам), and no doubt he read the proclamations (и, без сомнения, он прочитал воззвания) and realised something of the nature of the campaign against him (и понял, что за кампанию ведут против него). And as the evening advanced (а с приближением вечера), the fields became dotted here and there with groups of three or four men (на полях тут и там появились группы по три-четыре человека; to dot — ставитьточку; усеивать), and noisy with the yelping of dogs (и поля огласились лаем собак).

prowled [prauld], prowl [praul], campaign [kxm`peIn], noisy [`nOIzI]

That afternoon the Invisible Man must have learnt something of the rapid use Kemp had made of his confidences. He must have found houses locked and secured; he may have loitered about railway stations and prowled about inns, and no doubt he read the proclamations and realised something of the nature of the campaign against him. And as the evening advanced, the fields became dotted here and there with groups of three or four men, and noisy with the yelping of dogs.

These men-hunters had particular instructions in the case of an encounter as to the way they should support one another (эти охотники на человека имели особые указания как в случае столкновения /с врагом/ помогать друг другу). But he avoided them all (но Невидимка избежал их всех). We may understand something of his exasperation (мы можем отчасти понять его гнев), and it could have been none the less because he himself had supplied the information (тем более, что он сам сообщил сведения; none the less — темнеменее, однако) that was being used so remorselessly against him (которые теперь так беспощадно использовались против него; remorse — угрызениесовести; раскаяние; сожаление). For that day at least he lost heart (в тот день, по крайней мере, он пал духом/отчаялся; to lose heart); for nearly twenty-four hours (почти двадцать четыре часа), save when he turned on Wicksteed, he was a hunted man (не считая /времени/, когда он наткнулся на Уикстида, на него охотились). In the night, he must have eaten and slept (ночью он, вероятно, поел и поспал; to eat; to sleep); for in the morning he was himself again (поскольку утром снова был самим собой), active, powerful, angry, and malignant (деятельным, сильным, сердитым и злобным), prepared for his last great struggle against the world (готовым к своей последней великой борьбе со всем миром).

remorselessly [rI`mLslqslI], hour [`auq], malignant [mq`lIgnqnt]

These men-hunters had particular instructions in the case of an encounter as to the way they should support one another. But he avoided them all. We may understand something of his exasperation, and it could have been none the less because he himself had supplied the information that was being used so remorselessly against him. For that day at least he lost heart; for nearly twenty-four hours, save when he turned on Wicksteed, he was a hunted man. In the night, he must have eaten and slept; for in the morning he was himself again, active, powerful, angry, and malignant, prepared for his last great struggle against the world.

Chapter 27 (глава двадцать седьмая)

The Siege of Kemp’s House (осада дома Кемпа)

Kemp read a strange missive, written in pencil on a greasy sheet of paper (Кемп прочитал странное послание, написанное карандашом на засаленном листе бумаги; to read [rJd],-read [red],-read [red]).

“You have been amazingly energetic and clever (вы проявили изумительную энергию и сообразительность; energetic — энергичный, активный; clever — умный; ловкий, проворный),” this letter ran (гласило письмо), “though what you stand to gain by it I cannot imagine (хотя чего вы надеетесь этим добиться, не могу себе представить). You are against me (вы против меня). For a whole day you have chased me (весь день вы травили меня; to chase — гнаться, преследовать; травить, охотиться); you have tried to rob me of a night’s rest (вы пытались лишить меня ночного отдыха). But I have had food in spite of you (но я насытился вопреки вам), I have slept in spite of you (я выспался вопреки вам), and the game is only beginning (и игра только начинается). The game is only beginning. There is nothing for it, but to start the Terror (ничего другого не остается, кроме как прибегнуть к Террору; to start — начинать, предпринимать). This announces the first day of the Terror (это /письмо/ провозглашает первый день Террора; toannounce— объявлять; сообщать, извещать, заявлять). Port Burdock is no longer under the Queen (Бердок больше не под властью королевы), tell your Colonel of Police, and the rest of them (передайте это вашему полковнику полиции и всем остальным); it is under me — the Terror (/теперь/ он под моей властью — под властью Террора)!

pencil [`pens(q)l], announce [q`nauns], colonel [`kq:n(q)l]

Kemp read a strange missive, written in pencil on a greasy sheet of paper.

“You have been amazingly energetic and clever,” this letter ran, “though what you stand to gain by it I cannot imagine. You are against me. For a whole day you have chased me; you have tried to rob me of a night’s rest. But I have had food in spite of you, I have slept in spite of you, and the game is only beginning. The game is only beginning. There is nothing for it, but to start the Terror. This announces the first day of the Terror. Port Burdock is no longer under the Queen, tell your Colonel of Police, and the rest of them; it is under me — the Terror!

This is day one of year one of the new epoch (этот день — первый день первого года новой эры) — the Epoch of the Invisible Man (Эры Невидимки). I am Invisible Man the First (я — Невидимка Первый). To begin with the rule will be easy (начать править будет легко). The first day there will be one execution for the sake of example — a man named Kemp (в первый день будет /лишь/ одна показательная казнь/для острастки — человека по фамилии Кемп; example — пример; урок, назидание; предостережение). Death starts for him to-day (смерть направляется к нему сегодня). He may lock himself away (он может запираться), hide himself away (прятаться), get guards about him (окружать себя охраной), put on armour if he likes (одеваться в броню, если ему угодно) — Death, the unseen Death, is coming (Смерть, невидимая Смерть, идет к нему). Let him take precautions (пусть он принимает меры предосторожности); it will impress my people (это произведет впечатление на мой народ). Death starts from the pillar box by midday (смерть двинется из почтового ящика в полдень; pillarbox— стоячий почтовый ящик). The letter will fall in as the postman comes along, then off (это письмо упадет = будет опущено в ящик перед самым приходом почтальона, и затем в путь)! The game begins (игра начинается). Death starts (смерть идет). Help him not, my people, lest Death fall upon you also (не помогайте ему, мой народ, иначе Смерть постигнет и вас; lest— чтобы не, как бы не). To-day Kemp is to die (сегодня Кемп должен умереть).”

Kemp read this letter twice (Кемп дважды прочитал это письмо), “It’s no hoax (это не шутка; hoax — обман, ложь, неправда; to play a hoax on somebody — разыграть, обмануть кого-либо),” he said. “That’s his voice (это написал он: «его голос»)! And he means it (и он намеревается сделать это).”

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