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Английский язык с Г. Уэллсом "Человек-невидимка" - H. Wells

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“I’ll bring it back (я принесу его обратно),” said Adye, “you’ll be safe here (вы будете здесь в безопасности).”

bloodhound [`blAdhaund], ought [Lt], minute [`mInIt]

“I have it!” said Adye. “Let me have a stick or something, and I’ll go down to the station and get the bloodhounds put on. That ought to settle him! They’re hard by — not ten minutes — ”

Another window went the way of its fellows.

“You haven’t a revolver?” asked Adye.

Kemp’s hand went to his pocket. Then he hesitated.

“I haven’t one — at least to spare.”

“I’ll bring it back,” said Adye, “you’ll be safe here.”

Kemp, ashamed of his momentary lapse from truthfulness (Кемп, пристыженный кратковременным отступлением от правдивости = своейложью; lapse — упущение; моральное падение: a lapse from grace — лишение милости; a lapse from virtue — грехопадение; truth — правда, истина, правдивость), handed him the weapon (отдал ему оружие).

“Now for the door (теперь пойдемте к двери),” said Adye.

As they stood hesitating in the hall (пока они стояли в прихожей, на решаясь /подойти к двери/), they heard one of the first-floor bedroom windows crack and clash (они услышали, как одно из окон спальни на первом этаже затрещало и зазвенело; first-floor — находящийсянавторомэтаже/нумерацияэтажейвВеликобританииначинаетсясовторого/; ground floor — первыйэтаж). Kemp went to the door and began to slip the bolts as silently as possible (Кемп подошел к двери и начал как можно тише отодвигать засовы). His face was a little paler than usual (его лицо было несколько бледнее, чем обычно).

“You must step straight out (вы должны сразу же выйти),” said Kemp.

In another moment Adye was on the doorstep (еще секунда, и Эдай был на пороге) and the bolts were dropping back into the staples (а засовы задвигались обратно в скобы). He hesitated for a moment (он немного поколебался), feeling more comfortable with his back against the door (чувствуя себя спокойнее, прислонившись спиной к двери). Then he marched, upright and square, down the steps (потом выпрямился и твердо зашагал вниз по ступенькам; upright — вертикально, прямо; square — прямо, непосредственно; прямо/оположениитела, объекта/). He crossed the lawn and approached the gate (он прошел по газону и приблизился к калитке). A little breeze seemed to ripple over the grass (казалось, легкий ветерок пронесся по траве; to ripple — покрывать/ся/ рябью; волновать/ся/, колыхать/ся/). Something moved near him (что-то зашевелилось рядом с ним).

momentary [`mqumqnt(q)rI], comfortable [`kAmf(q)tqbl], lawn [lLn]

Kemp, ashamed of his momentary lapse from truthfulness, handed him the weapon.

“Now for the door,” said Adye.

As they stood hesitating in the hall, they heard one of the first-floor bedroom windows crack and clash. Kemp went to the door and began to slip the bolts as silently as possible. His face was a little paler than usual.

“You must step straight out,” said Kemp.

In another moment Adye was on the doorstep and the bolts were dropping back into the staples. He hesitated for a moment, feeling more comfortable with his back against the door. Then he marched, upright and square, down the steps. He crossed the lawn and approached the gate. A little breeze seemed to ripple over the grass. Something moved near him.

“Stop a bit (подождите минуту),” said a Voice, and Adye stopped dead (сказал Голос, и Эдай остановился как вкопанный) and his hand tightened on the revolver (и его рука крепко сжала револьвер).

“Well (в чем дело)?” said Adye, white and grim, and every nerve tense (спросил Эдай, бледный и угрюмый; каждый нерв его был напряжен).

“Oblige me by going back to the house (сделайте одолжение, вернитесь в дом; to oblige — обязывать, сделатьодолжение, оказатьуслугу),” said the Voice, as tense and grim as Adye’s (сказал Голос так же напряженно и угрюмо, как Эдай).

“Sorry (сожалею, /но не могу/),” said Adye a little hoarsely, and moistened his lips with his tongue (сказал Эдай несколько хрипло и облизнул губы; to moisten — увлажнять, смачивать; tongue — язык). The Voice was on his left front, he thought (Голос был слева от него, как ему казалось). Suppose he were to take his luck with a shot (а что, если ему попытать счастья и выстрелить)?

“What are you going for (куда вы идете)?” said the Voice, and there was a quick movement of the two (спросил Голос, оба сделали быстрое движение), and a flash of sunlight from the open lip of Adye’s pocket (и что-то блеснуло /на солнце/ в приоткрытом кармане Эдая; lip — губа; край, кромка).

tightened [`taIt(q)nd], oblige [q`blaIG], tongue [tAN]

“Stop a bit,” said a Voice, and Adye stopped dead and his hand tightened on the revolver.

“Well?” said Adye, white and grim, and every nerve tense.

“Oblige me by going back to the house,” said the Voice, as tense and grim as Adye’s.

“Sorry,” said Adye a little hoarsely, and moistened his lips with his tongue. The Voice was on his left front, he thought. Suppose he were to take his luck with a shot?

“What are you going for?” said the Voice, and there was a quick movement of the two, and a flash of sunlight from the open lip of Adye’s pocket.

Adye desisted and thought (Эдай отказался /от своего намерения/ и задумался; todesist— переставать; воздерживаться, отказываться от совершения).

“Where I go (куда я иду),” he said slowly (сказал он медленно), “is my own business (это мое дело).” The words were still on his lips (эти слова еще были на его губах = неуспелонпроизнестиэтислова), when an arm came round his neck, his back felt a knee (как рука обхватила его за шею, его спина ощутила колено = вспинууперлоськолено), and he was sprawling backward (и он упал; to sprawl — вытянуться, растянуться, упасть). He drew clumsily and fired absurdly (он неловко вытащил револьвер и выстрелил наугад: «нелепо»), and in another moment he was struck in the mouth (в тот же миг его ударили по зубам; to strike) and the revolver wrested from his grip (а револьвер вырвали из рук). He made a vain clutch at a slippery limb (Эдай сделал тщетную /попытку/ схватиться за ускользнувшую ногу; slippery — скользкий; увертливый, юркий), tried to struggle up and fell back (попытался встать и снова упал).

“Damn (черт побери)!” said Adye. The Voice laughed (Голос рассмеялся).

“I’d kill you now if it wasn’t the waste of a bullet (я убил бы вас, если бы это не было /бесполезной/ тратой пули),” it said. He saw the revolver in mid-air, six feet off, covering him (Эдай увидел в воздухе револьвер, в шести футах от себя, нацеленный на него; to cover — прикрывать, покрывать; держатьподприцелом).

desisted [dI`zIstId], business [`bIznIs], sprawling [`sprLlIN], limb [lIm]

Adye desisted and thought.

“Where I go,” he said slowly, “is my own business.” The words were still on his lips, when an arm came round his neck, his back felt a knee, and he was sprawling backward. He drew clumsily and fired absurdly, and in another moment he was struck in the mouth and the revolver wrested from his grip. He made a vain clutch at a slippery limb, tried to struggle up and fell back.

“Damn!” said Adye. The Voice laughed.

“I’d kill you now if it wasn’t the waste of a bullet,” it said. He saw the revolver in mid-air, six feet off, covering him.

“Well (ну)?” said Adye, sitting up (сказал Эдай, садясь).

“Get up (встаньте),” said the Voice.

Adye stood up (Эдай встал).

“Attention (смирно; attention — внимание; стойка «смирно»),” said the Voice, and then fiercely (сказал Голлос и затем решительно), “Don’t try any games (бросьте ваши фокусы: «не пробуйте какие-либо игры»). Remember I can see your face if you can’t see mine (помните, я вижу ваше лицо, а вы мое нет). You’ve got to go back to the house (вам нужно вернуться в дом).”

“He won’t let me in (он меня не впустит),” said Adye.

“That’s a pity (жаль),” said the Invisible Man. “I’ve got no quarrel with you (я с вами не ссорился; quarrel— ссора; перебранка; раздоры).”

fiercely [`fIqslI], pity [`pItI], quarrel [`kwOr(q)l]

“Well?” said Adye, sitting up.

“Get up,” said the Voice.

Adye stood up.

“Attention,” said the Voice, and then fiercely, “Don’t try any games. Remember I can see your face if you can’t see mine. You’ve got to go back to the house.”

“He won’t let me in,” said Adye.

“That’s a pity,” said the Invisible Man. “I’ve got no quarrel with you.”

Adye moistened his lips again (Эдай снова облизнул губы). He glanced away from the barrel of the revolver (он отвел взгляд от ствола револьвера) and saw the sea far off very blue and dark under the midday sun (и увидел вдалеке море, очень синее и темное в свете полуденного солнца), the smooth green down (шелковистый зеленый холм; smooth — гладкий, ровный, мягкий), the white cliff of the Head (белый мыс; cliff — отвесная скала на берегу моря; крутой склон; утес; head — голова; верхняячастьчего-либо; выступающаяизводыскала; крутойвыступающийвморемыс), and the multitudinous town (многолюдный город; multitudinous — многочисленный, многообразный), and suddenly he knew that life was very sweet (и вдруг он осознал, как прекрасна жизнь; sweet — сладкий; приятный, милый). His eyes came back to this little metal thing hanging between heaven and earth, six yards away (его взгляд вернулся = онсновапосмотрел на маленький металлический предмет, висевший между небом и землей в шести ярдах от него).

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