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Английский язык с Г. Уэллсом "Человек-невидимка" - H. Wells

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The dining-room window was wide open (окно столовой было распахнуто), and neither housemaid nor Kemp was to be seen (и ни горничной, ни Кемпа не было видно).

The second policeman’s opinion of Kemp was terse and vivid (второй полисмен выразил свое мнение о докторе Кемпе кратко и ярко = энергично; terse — сжатый, краткий/остиле/).

pursue [pq`sjH], companion [kqm`pxnjqn], neither [`neIDq], terse [tq:s]

He made as if he would pursue the Invisible Man downstairs. Then he thought better of it and stepped into the dining-room.

“Doctor Kemp — ” he began, and stopped short.

“Doctor Kemp’s in here,” he said, as his companion looked over his shoulder.

The dining-room window was wide open, and neither housemaid nor Kemp was to be seen.

The second policeman’s opinion of Kemp was terse and vivid.

Chapter 28 (глава двадцать восьмая)

The Hunter Hunted (охота на охотника)

Mr. Heelas, Mr. Kemp’s nearest neighbour among the villa holders (мистер Хилас, ближайший сосед Кемпа /среди домовладельцев/; villa— вилла, загородный дом; одноквартирный дом; дом на одну семью; householder— съемщик дома или квартиры; глава семьи; домовладелец), was asleep in his summer house when the siege of Kemp’s house began (спал в своей беседке, когда началась осада дома Кемпа). Mr. Heelas was one of the sturdy minority (мистер Хилас относился к тому упрямому меньшинству; sturdy— прочный, крепкий; не идущий на компромиссы; непреклонный) who refused to believe “in all this nonsense” about an Invisible Man (которое отказывалось верить «во весь этот вздор» о Невидимке). His wife, however, as he was subsequently to be reminded, did (его жена, однако, верила и впоследствии напоминала ему об этом). He insisted upon walking about his garden just as if nothing was the matter (он настоял на том, чтобы погулять по своему саду, будто ничего особенного не происходило/как ни в чем не бывало), and he went to sleep in the afternoon in accordance with the custom of years (и заснул днем /в беседке/ по многолетней привычке; inaccordancewith— в соответствии с, согласно).

He slept through the smashing of the windows (он спал, пока разбивались окна), and then woke up suddenly with a curious persuasion of something wrong (и вдруг проснулся со странным убеждением, что что-то не так). He looked across at Kemp’s house (он взглянул на дом Кемпа), rubbed his eyes and looked again (протер глаза и снова взглянул). Then he put his feet to the ground, and sat listening (потом спустил ноги на землю и сел, прислушиваясь). He said he was damned, but still the strange thing was visible (он помянул черта: «сказал ‘будь я проклят’, но странное видение не исчезло). The house looked as though it had been deserted for weeks — after a violent riot (дом выглядел так, будто его бросили много недель назад после ужасного погрома; riot — бунт, мятеж; дебош, беспорядки). Every window was broken (все окна были разбиты), and every window, save those of the belvedere study (и все, кроме окон кабинета наверху), was blinded by the internal shutters (были закрыты ставнями изнутри: «внутренними ставнями»).

neighbour [`neIbq], subsequently [`sAbsIkwqntlI], persuasion [pq`sweIZ(q)n]

Mr. Heelas, Mr. Kemp’s nearest neighbour among the villa holders, was asleep in his summer house when the siege of Kemp’s house began. Mr. Heelas was one of the sturdy minority who refused to believe “in all this nonsense” about an Invisible Man. His wife, however, as he was subsequently to be reminded, did. He insisted upon walking about his garden just as if nothing was the matter, and he went to sleep in the afternoon in accordance with the custom of years.

He slept through the smashing of the windows, and then woke up suddenly with a curious persuasion of something wrong. He looked across at Kemp’s house, rubbed his eyes and looked again. Then he put his feet to the ground, and sat listening. He said he was damned, but still the strange thing was visible. The house looked as though it had been deserted for weeks — after a violent riot. Every window was broken, and every window, save those of the belvedere study, was blinded by the internal shutters.

“I could have sworn it was all right (мог бы поклясться, что он был в порядке)” — he looked at his watch (мистер Хилас посмотрел на часы) — “twenty minutes ago (двадцать минут назад).”

He became aware of a measured concussion and the clash of glass, far away in the distance (он услышал мерные удары и звон стекла вдалеке). And then, as he sat open-mouthed (затем, пока он сидел, разинув рот), came a still more wonderful thing (произошло нечто еще более удивительное). The shutters of the drawing-room window were flung open violently (ставни окна гостиной резко распахнулись), and the housemaid in her outdoor hat and garments (и горничная в шляпе и пальто; outdoor — находящийся или совершающийся вне помещения, на открытом воздухе; предназначенный для использования вне дома: outdoor clothes — уличная одежда), appeared struggling in a frantic manner to throw up the sash (появилась /в окне/, судорожно пытаясь поднять раму). Suddenly a man appeared beside her, helping her — Dr. Kemp (вдруг возле нее появился человек и стал ей помогать — доктор Кемп)!

measured [`meZqd], distance [`dIst(q)ns], garments [`gRmqnts]

“I could have sworn it was all right” — he looked at his watch — “twenty minutes ago.”

He became aware of a measured concussion and the clash of glass, far away in the distance. And then, as he sat open-mouthed, came a still more wonderful thing. The shutters of the drawing-room window were flung open violently, and the housemaid in her outdoor hat and garments, appeared struggling in a frantic manner to throw up the sash. Suddenly a man appeared beside her, helping her — Dr. Kemp!

In another moment the window was open (еще минута — и окно открылось), and the housemaid was struggling out (горничная выбралась из него); she pitched forward and vanished among the shrubs (она бросилась бежать и исчезла в кустах). Mr. Heelas stood up, exclaiming vaguely and vehemently at all these wonderful things (мистер Хилас встал, что-то нечленораздельно и энергично воскликнул обо всех этих поразительных событиях; vaguely — неясно, смутно, расплывчато; vehement — сильный; неистовый; страстный). He saw Kemp stand on the sill, spring from the window (он увидел, как Кемп встал на подоконник, выпрыгнул в окно), and reappear almost instantaneously running along a path in the shrubbery (и почти сразу же вновь появился; он бежал по дорожке, обсаженной кустами) and stooping as he ran, like a man who evades observation (пригибаясь на бегу, будто прячась от кого-то: «как человек, который избегает наблюдения»; to evade — ускользать/отпреследованияит.п./; избегать, уклоняться). He vanished behind a laburnum (он исчез за ракитником), and appeared again clambering over a fence (и снова появился, перелезая через изгородь) that abutted on the open down (которая примыкала к открытой возвышенности). In a second he had tumbled over (через миг он перевалился через нее) and was running at a tremendous pace down the slope towards Mr. Heelas (и побежал с огромной скоростью по косогору по направлению к мистеру Хиласу).

“Lord (Господи)!” cried Mr. Heelas, struck with an idea (воскликнул мистер Хилас, пораженный мыслью); “it’s that Invisible Man brute (это тот мерзавец Невидимка)! It’s right, after all (все-таки это правда)!”

vaguely [`veIglI], vehemently [`vJqmqntlI], instantaneously ["Instqn`teInIqslI], laburnum [lq`bq:nqm]

In another moment the window was open, and the housemaid was struggling out; she pitched forward and vanished among the shrubs. Mr. Heelas stood up, exclaiming vaguely and vehemently at all these wonderful things. He saw Kemp stand on the sill, spring from the window, and reappear almost instantaneously running along a path in the shrubbery and stooping as he ran, like a man who evades observation. He vanished behind a laburnum, and appeared again clambering over a fence that abutted on the open down. In a second he had tumbled over and was running at a tremendous pace down the slope towards Mr. Heelas.

“Lord!” cried Mr. Heelas, struck with an idea; “it’s that Invisible Man brute! It’s right, after all!”

With Mr. Heelas to think things like that was to act (для мистера Хиласа думать подобным образом означало = такаямысльозначала — действовать), and his cook watching him from the top window was amazed to see (и его кухарка, наблюдавшая за ним из окна верхнего этажа, с удивлением увидела) him come pelting towards the house at a good nine miles an hour (как он бросился к дому со скоростью добрых девяти миль в час; to pelt — бросать; броситься, ринуться). There was a slamming of doors, a ringing of bells (раздалось хлопанье дверей, звон колокольчиков), and the voice of Mr. Heelas bellowing like a bull (и голос мистера Хиласа, проревевшего /как бык/; to bellow — мычать, реветь/оживотных/; орать).

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