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Английский язык с Г. Уэллсом "Человек-невидимка" - H. Wells

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attitude [`xtItjHd], tumultuous [tjH`mAlCuqs], pursuant [pq`sjHqnt]

For a space Kemp remained staring at the quiet carelessness of Adye’s attitude. The afternoon was very hot and still, nothing seemed stirring in all the world save a couple of yellow butterflies chasing each other through the shrubbery between the house and the road gate. Adye lay on the lawn near the gate. The blinds of all the villas down the hill-road were drawn, but in one little green summer-house was a white figure, apparently an old man asleep. Kemp scrutinised the surroundings of the house for a glimpse of the revolver, but it had vanished. His eyes came back to Adye. The game was opening well.

Then came a ringing and knocking at the front door, that grew at last tumultuous, but pursuant to Kemp’s instructions the servants had locked themselves into their rooms. This was followed by a silence.

Kemp sat listening and then began peering cautiously out of the three windows (Кемп посидел, прислушиваясь, потом начал осторожно выглядывать в окна), one after another (в одно за другим, в каждое из трех). He went to the staircase head and stood listening uneasily (он вышел на верхнюю лестничную площадку и стал тревожно прислушиваться). He armed himself with his bedroom poker (он вооружился кочергой из спальни), and went to examine the interior fastenings of the ground-floor windows again (и снова отправился проверять внутренние запоры окон первого этажа). Everything was safe and quiet (все было надежно и спокойно). He returned to the belvedere (Кемп вернулся наверх, в бельведер). Adye lay motionless over the edge of the gravel just as he had fallen (Эдай лежал неподвижно у края гравийной /дорожки/, как упал). Coming along the road by the villas were the housemaid and two policemen (по дороге мимо домов шли горничная и двое полисменов).

Everything was deadly still (стояла мертвая тишина). The three people seemed very slow in approaching (казалось, эти трое приближаются очень медленно). He wondered what his antagonist was doing (Кемп спрашивал себя, что делает его противник).

interior [In`tIqrIq], ground-floor ["graund`flL], motionless [`mquS(q)nlqs]

Kemp sat listening and then began peering cautiously out of the three windows, one after another. He went to the staircase head and stood listening uneasily. He armed himself with his bedroom poker, and went to examine the interior fastenings of the ground-floor windows again. Everything was safe and quiet. He returned to the belvedere. Adye lay motionless over the edge of the gravel just as he had fallen. Coming along the road by the villas were the housemaid and two policemen.

Everything was deadly still. The three people seemed very slow in approaching. He wondered what his antagonist was doing.

He started (Кемп вздрогнул). There was a smash from below (снизу донесся шум; smash — внезапноепадение; шум, грохот). He hesitated and went downstairs again (он поколебался и опять спустился вниз). Suddenly the house resounded with heavy blows and the splintering of wood (внезапно дом огласился /звуком/ тяжелых ударов и треском расщепляемого дерева). He heard a smash and the destructive clang of the iron fastenings of the shutters (он услышал сильный удар и лязг железных задвижек на ставнях; destructive — разрушительный, разрушающий). He turned the key and opened the kitchen door (он повернул ключ и открыл дверь в кухню). As he did so, the shutters, split and splintering, came flying inward (когда он сделал это, ставни, расщепленные и расколотые, полетели на кухню; inward — направленныйвнутрь). He stood aghast (он остановился, объятый ужасом).

The window frame, save for one crossbar, was still intact (оконная рама, кроме одной перекладины, по-прежнему была целой), but only little teeth of glass remained in the frame (но в ней остались лишь зубцы стекла). The shutters had been driven in with an axe (ставни были разрублены топором; to drive in — вгонять, вбивать), and now the axe was descending in sweeping blows upon the window frame (и теперь топор со всего размаху ударял по оконной раме: «опускался размашистыми ударами на раму») and the iron bars defending it (и железной решетке, защищавшей окно). Then suddenly it leapt aside and vanished (затем вдруг он отскочил в строну и исчез). He saw the revolver lying on the path outside (Кемп увидел револьвер, лежавший на дорожке во дворе), and then the little weapon sprang into the air (и тут это маленькое оружие подскочило в воздух). He dodged back (Кемп отпрыгнул назад). The revolver cracked just too late (револьвер выстрелил лишь на миг позднее), and a splinter from the edge of the closing door flashed over his head (и щепка от края закрывающейся двери пролетела над головой Кемпа). He slammed and locked the door (он захлопнул дверь и запер ее /на ключ/), and as he stood outside he heard Griffin shouting and laughing (и, стоя за ней, услышал, как Гриффин закричал и засмеялся). Then the blows of the axe with its splitting and smashing consequences, were resumed (затем удары топора с его раскалывающими и разбивающими результатами = крушашегоиломающего, возобновились).

key [kJ], descending [dI`sendIN], inward [`Inwqd], consequence [`kOnsIkwqns]

He started. There was a smash from below. He hesitated and went downstairs again. Suddenly the house resounded with heavy blows and the splintering of wood. He heard a smash and the destructive clang of the iron fastenings of the shutters. He turned the key and opened the kitchen door. As he did so, the shutters, split and splintering, came flying inward. He stood aghast.

The window frame, save for one crossbar, was still intact, but only little teeth of glass remained in the frame. The shutters had been driven in with an axe, and now the axe was descending in sweeping blows upon the window frame and the iron bars defending it. Then suddenly it leapt aside and vanished. He saw the revolver lying on the path outside, and then the little weapon sprang into the air. He dodged back. The revolver cracked just too late, and a splinter from the edge of the closing door flashed over his head. He slammed and locked the door, and as he stood outside he heard Griffin shouting and laughing. Then the blows of the axe with its splitting and smashing consequences, were resumed.

Kemp stood in the passage trying to think (Кемп стоял в коридоре, пытаясь размышлять). In a moment the Invisible Man would be in the kitchen (через минуту Невидимка будет в кухне). This door would not keep him a moment, and then (эта дверь не задержит его и минуты, и тогда…) —

A ringing came at the front door again (в наружную дверь снова позвонили). It would be the policemen (должно быть, полисмены). He ran into the hall, put up the chain, and drew the bolts (Кемп побежал в прихожую, закрепил цепь и отодвинул засовы). He made the girl speak before he dropped the chain (он заставил горничную говорить, до того, как снял цепь = окликнулгорничнуюи, услышавееголос, снялцепь), and the three people blundered into the house in a heap (и все трое кучей ввалились в дом), and Kemp slammed the door again (и Кемп снова захлопнул дверь).

“The Invisible Man!” said Kemp. “He has a revolver, with two shots — left (у него револьвер, осталось два заряда). He’s killed Adye (он убил Эдая). Shot him anyhow (во всяком случае, подстрелил его). Didn’t you see him on the lawn (вы не видели его на лужайке)? He’s lying there (он там лежит).”

passage [`pxsIG], moment [`mqumqnt], lawn [lLn]

Kemp stood in the passage trying to think. In a moment the Invisible Man would be in the kitchen. This door would not keep him a moment, and then —

A ringing came at the front door again. It would be the policemen. He ran into the hall, put up the chain, and drew the bolts. He made the girl speak before he dropped the chain, and the three people blundered into the house in a heap, and Kemp slammed the door again.

“The Invisible Man!” said Kemp. “He has a revolver, with two shots — left. He’s killed Adye. Shot him anyhow. Didn’t you see him on the lawn? He’s lying there.”

“Who (кто)?” said one of the policemen (спросил один из полисменов).

“Adye,” said Kemp.

“We came in the back way (мы прошли окольным путем),” said the girl.

“What’s that smashing (что это за шум)?” asked one of the policemen.

“He’s in the kitchen — or will be (он в кухне… или будет там /скоро/). He has found an axe — (он нашел топор…)”

Suddenly the house was full of the Invisible Man’s resounding blows on the kitchen door (вдруг весь дом наполнился сильными ударами Невидимки по кухонной двери). The girl stared towards the kitchen, shuddered (служанка взглянула в сторону кухни, вздрогнула), and retreated into the dining-room (и попятилась в столовую; to retreat — отступать, отходить; удаляться). Kemp tried to explain in broken sentences (Кемп попытался объяснить /положение/ отрывочными фразами). They heard the kitchen door give (они услышали, как дверь кухни сломалась).

who [hH], axe [xks], sentence [`sentqns]

“Who?” said one of the policemen.

“Adye,” said Kemp.

“We came in the back way,” said the girl.

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