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Английский язык с Г. Уэллсом "Человек-невидимка" - H. Wells

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The people below were staring at him (люди внизу пристально смотрели на него), one or two were running, and his breath was beginning to saw in his throat (несколько человек побежало, дыхание Кемпа стало хриплым: «начинало пилить в горле»). The tram was quite near now (теперь конка была совсем близко), and the “Jolly Cricketers” was noisily barring its doors (в /трактире/ «Веселые игроки в крикет» шумно запирали двери). Beyond the tram were posts and heaps of gravel — the drainage works (за конкой были столбы и кучи щебня для дренажных работ; drainage works — дренажныеработы; осушительнаясистема). He had a transitory idea of jumping into the tram and slamming the doors (у Кемпа мелькнула мысль запрыгнуть в конку и захлопнуть двери; transitory — временный, мимолетный: «преходящий»), and then he resolved to go for the police station (но затем он решил направиться в полицейский участок).

indescribably ["IndIs`kraIbqblI], drainage [`dreInIG], transitory [`trxnzIt(q)rI]

For the first time in his life Kemp discovered that the hill-road was indescribably vast and desolate, and that the beginnings of the town far below at the hill foot were strangely remote. Never had there been a slower or more painful method of progression than running. All the gaunt villas, sleeping in the afternoon sun, looked locked and barred; no doubt they were locked and barred — by his own orders. But at any rate they might have kept a lookout for an eventuality like this! The town was rising up now, the sea had dropped out of sight behind it, and people down below were stirring. A tram was just arriving at the hill foot. Beyond that was the police station. Was that footsteps he heard behind him? Spurt!

The people below were staring at him, one or two were running, and his breath was beginning to saw in his throat. The tram was quite near now, and the “Jolly Cricketers” was noisily barring its doors. Beyond the tram were posts and heaps of gravel — the drainage works. He had a transitory idea of jumping into the tram and slamming the doors, and then he resolved to go for the police station.

In another moment he had passed the door of the “Jolly Cricketers (через минуту он пробежал мимо двери «Веселых игроков в крикет»),” and was in the blistering fag end of the street (и очутился в самом конце раскаленной улицы; blistering — вызывающийволдыри; оченьгорячий; быстрый; fag end — самыйконец, край), with human beings about him (вокруг него были люди = средилюдей). The tram driver and his helper (вагоновожатый и его помощник) — arrested by the sight of his furious haste (поглощенные видом его бешеной спешки; to arrest — арестовывать, задерживать; приковывать/взоры, внимание/) — stood staring with the tram horses unhitched (глазели на него, разинув рты, бросив выпрягать лошадей; to unhitch — отвязывать/лошадь/; отцеплять, разъединять; to hitch — привязывать что-либо к чему-либо, временно прикреплять; сцеплять, скреплять). Further on the astonished features of navvies appeared above the mounds of gravel (еще дальше над насыпями из щебня появлялись = выглядывали удивленные лица землекопов; further /on/ — /еще/ дальше; feature — признак, свойство; features — чертылица; частилица; mound — насыпь, холм; куча; navvy — землекоп, чернорабочий).

His pace broke a little, and then he heard the swift pad of his pursuer (Кемп немного замедлил бег, но тут услышал быстрый топот своего преследователя), and leapt forward again (и снова поднажал; to leap — прыгать, перепрыгивать; приниматься, братьсясрвением/зачто-либо/).

“The Invisible Man (Невидимка)!” he cried to the navvies, with a vague indicative gesture (крикнул он землекопам, с неясным указывающим жестом = неопределенномахнуврукойназад), and by an inspiration leapt the excavation (и по наитию перепрыгнул канаву; excavation — копание; вырытаяяма, котлован) and placed a burly group between him and the chase (и между ним и погоней очутилась группа дюжих /рабочих/). Then abandoning the idea of the police station he turned into a little side street (затем, оставив мысль о полицейском участке, он свернул в маленький переулок), rushed by a greengrocer’s cart (промчался мимо тележки зеленщика; greengrocer — зеленщик; продавецфруктов, овощей), hesitated for the tenth of a second at the door of a sweetstuff shop (помедлил мгновение: «десятую долю секунды» у двери кондитерской лавки; sweet stuff — сласти, конфеты), and then made for the mouth of an alley (затем побежал по переулку; mouth — рот, уста; устье, вход; alley — узкаяулица, узкийпереулок; аллея) that ran back into the main Hill Street again (который снова выходил на главную улицу Хилл-стрит).

navvy [`nxvI], indicative [In`dIkqtIv], gesture [`GesCq]

In another moment he had passed the door of the “Jolly Cricketers,” and was in the blistering fag end of the street, with human beings about him. The tram driver and his helper — arrested by the sight of his furious haste — stood staring with the tram horses unhitched. Further on the astonished features of navvies appeared above the mounds of gravel.

His pace broke a little, and then he heard the swift pad of his pursuer, and leapt forward again.

“The Invisible Man!” he cried to the navvies, with a vague indicative gesture, and by an inspiration leapt the excavation and placed a burly group between him and the chase. Then abandoning the idea of the police station he turned into a little side street, rushed by a greengrocer’s cart, hesitated for the tenth of a second at the door of a sweetstuff shop, and then made for the mouth of an alley that ran back into the main Hill Street again.

Two or three little children were playing here (три-четыре маленьких ребенка играли здесь), and shrieked and scattered at his apparition (они пронзительно закричали и бросились врассыпную при его появлении), and forthwith doors and windows opened (и тотчас открылись двери и окна) and excited mothers revealed their hearts (и взволнованные матери дали волю чувствам: «открыли свои сердца» = сталикричать; to reveal — открывать; разоблачать; обнаруживать, показывать). Out he shot into Hill Street again (он снова выскочил на Хилл-стрит), three hundred yards from the tram-line end (ярдов за триста от конца линии конки; tram-line — трамвайнаялиния), and immediately he became aware of a tumultuous vociferation and running people (и сразу же услышал возбужденные крики и увидел бегущих людей).

He glanced up the street towards the hill (он взглянул вдоль улицы по направлению к холму). Hardly a dozen yards off ran a huge navvy (ярдах в двенадцати от него бежал рослый землекоп), cursing in fragments and slashing viciously with a spade (выкрикивая ругательства и яростно размахивая лопатой; fragment — фрагмент, обломок, осколок; slash — резкийудар, ударсплеча; vicious — порочный, злой; ужасный, сильный), and hard behind him came the tram conductor with his fists clenched (а сразу за ним мчался кондуктор конки, сжав кулаки). Up the street others followed these two, striking and shouting (дальше по улице за этими двумя бежали еще люди, нанося удары и крича). Down towards the town, men and women were running (с другой стороны по направлению к городу спешили мужчины и женщины), and he noticed clearly one man coming out of a shop-door with a stick in his hand (и Кемп ясно увидел, как какой-то человек выскочил из лавки с палкой в руке).

“Spread out (окружайте его; tospreadout— развертываться, рассыпаться, рассредоточиваться)! Spread out!” cried some one (крикнул кто-то). Kemp suddenly grasped the altered condition of the chase (Кемп вдруг понял, что положение /преследования/ изменилось). He stopped, and looked round, panting (он остановился и огляделся, тяжело дыша).

“He’s close here (он где-то здесь поблизости)!” he cried (крикнул он). “Form a line across — (оцепите/не дайте ему уйти…; toformaline— выстраиваться в ряд; toformabattleline— выстраивать линию обороны)”

apparition ["xpq`rIS(q)n], tumultuous [tjH`mAlCuqs], viciously [`vISqslI]

Two or three little children were playing here, and shrieked and scattered at his apparition, and forthwith doors and windows opened and excited mothers revealed their hearts. Out he shot into Hill Street again, three hundred yards from the tram-line end, and immediately he became aware of a tumultuous vociferation and running people.

He glanced up the street towards the hill. Hardly a dozen yards off ran a huge navvy, cursing in fragments and slashing viciously with a spade, and hard behind him came the tram conductor with his fists clenched. Up the street others followed these two, striking and shouting. Down towards the town, men and women were running, and he noticed clearly one man coming out of a shop-door with a stick in his hand.

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