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Английский язык с Г. Уэллсом "Человек-невидимка" - H. Wells

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apparition ["xpq`rIS(q)n], tumultuous [tjH`mAlCuqs], viciously [`vISqslI]

Two or three little children were playing here, and shrieked and scattered at his apparition, and forthwith doors and windows opened and excited mothers revealed their hearts. Out he shot into Hill Street again, three hundred yards from the tram-line end, and immediately he became aware of a tumultuous vociferation and running people.

He glanced up the street towards the hill. Hardly a dozen yards off ran a huge navvy, cursing in fragments and slashing viciously with a spade, and hard behind him came the tram conductor with his fists clenched. Up the street others followed these two, striking and shouting. Down towards the town, men and women were running, and he noticed clearly one man coming out of a shop-door with a stick in his hand.

“Spread out! Spread out!” cried some one. Kemp suddenly grasped the altered condition of the chase. He stopped, and looked round, panting.

“He’s close here!” he cried. “Form a line across — ”

He was hit hard under the ear, and went reeling (Кемп получил сильный удар под ухо и зашатался), trying to face round towards his unseen antagonist (пытаясь повернуться к невидимому противнику). He just managed to keep his feet (он еле сумел устоять на ногах), and he struck a vain counter in the air (и нанес ответный, но тщетный удар в пустоту). Then he was hit again under the jaw (потом он снова получил удар снизу в челюсть), and sprawled headlong on the ground (и растянулся на земле). In another moment a knee compressed his diaphragm (через секунду колено уперлось ему в живот; to compress — сжимать, сдавливать; diaphragm — диафрагма/мышечно-сухожильная перегородка, отделяющая грудную полость от брюшной/), and a couple of eager hands gripped his throat (и пара крепких рук схватила его за горло; eager — жаждущий; интенсивный, напряженный; энергичный), but the grip of one was weaker than the other (но захват одной был слабее другой); he grasped the wrists (Кемп стиснул запястья), heard a cry of pain from his assailant (услышал крик боли своего противника), and then the spade of the navvy came whirling through the air above him (и тут лопата землекопа взметнулась в воздухе над ним), and struck something with a dull thud (и ударила что-то с глухим стуком). He felt a drop of moisture on his face (на лицо Кемпа что-то капнуло; drop — капля; moisture — влажность, сырость; влага). The grip at his throat suddenly relaxed (сжатие его горла вдруг ослабло), and with a convulsive effort, Kemp loosed himself (и судорожным усилием Кемп освободился), grasped a limp shoulder, and rolled uppermost (ухватил обмякшее плечо и навалился на противника; to roll — катиться, вращаться; uppermost — самыйверхний, наверху). He gripped the unseen elbows near the ground (он прижал невидимые локти к земле).

“I’ve got him (я поймал его)!” screamed Kemp (крикнул Кемп). “Help! Help — hold (помогите… держите)! He’s down (он здесь)! Hold his feet (держите его за ноги)!”

sprawled [sprLld], diaphragm [`daIqfrxm], moisture [`mOIsCq], wrist [rIst]

He was hit hard under the ear, and went reeling, trying to face round towards his unseen antagonist. He just managed to keep his feet, and he struck a vain counter in the air. Then he was hit again under the jaw, and sprawled headlong on the ground. In another moment a knee compressed his diaphragm, and a couple of eager hands gripped his throat, but the grip of one was weaker than the other; he grasped the wrists, heard a cry of pain from his assailant, and then the spade of the navvy came whirling through the air above him, and struck something with a dull thud. He felt a drop of moisture on his face. The grip at his throat suddenly relaxed, and with a convulsive effort, Kemp loosed himself, grasped a limp shoulder, and rolled uppermost. He gripped the unseen elbows near the ground.

“I’ve got him!” screamed Kemp. “Help! Help — hold! He’s down! Hold his feet!”

In another second there was a simultaneous rush upon the struggle (через секунду одновременно вся толпа кинулась на место борьбы), and a stranger coming into the road suddenly might have thought (и посторонний человек, проходящий по дороге, мог бы /вдруг/ подумать) an exceptionally savage game of Rugby football was in progress (что происходит исключительно жестокий, грубый матч по регби; to be in progress — происходить, совершаться, иметь место). And there was no shouting after Kemp’s cry (и после крика Кемпа не слышались возгласы) — only a sound of blows and feet and heavy breathing (/слышался/ только звук ударов, топот ног и тяжелое дыхание).

Then came a mighty effort (затем последовало мощное усилие), and the Invisible Man threw off a couple of his antagonists and rose to his knees (и Невидимка сбросил нескольких противников и поднялся на колени). Kemp clung to him in front like a hound to a stag (Кемп вцепился в него /спереди/, как гончая в оленя), and a dozen hands gripped, clutched, and tore at the Unseen (и множество рук хватали, сжимали, тащили и рвали Невидимку). The tram conductor suddenly got the neck and shoulders and lugged him back (кондуктор конки вдруг поймал его за шею и плечи и сильно дернул назад).

simultaneous ["sIm(q)l`teInIqs], savage [`sxvIG], hound [haund]

In another second there was a simultaneous rush upon the struggle, and a stranger coming into the road suddenly might have thought an exceptionally savage game of Rugby football was in progress. And there was no shouting after Kemp’s cry — only a sound of blows and feet and heavy breathing.

Then came a mighty effort, and the Invisible Man threw off a couple of his antagonists and rose to his knees. Kemp clung to him in front like a hound to a stag, and a dozen hands gripped, clutched, and tore at the Unseen. The tram conductor suddenly got the neck and shoulders and lugged him back.

Down went the heap of struggling men again and rolled over (снова образовалась куча борющихся, барахтающихся людей; to roll over — переворачиваться, ворочаться, перекатываться). There was, I am afraid, some savage kicking (боюсь = должен сказать, /Невидимку/ беспощадно били ногами: «было дикое = жестокое битье ногами»). Then suddenly a wild scream of “Mercy (внезапно раздался дикий вопль: «Пощадите!»; mercy— милосердие, жалость; помилование, пощада)! Mercy!” that died down swiftly to a sound like choking (который быстро перешел в придушенный стон; todiedown— затихать, угасать; choking— удушье, удушение; задыхающийся).

“Get back, you fools (назад, дурачье)!” cried the muffled voice of Kemp (крикнул Кемп приглушенным голосом), and there was a vigorous shoving back of stalwart forms (и крепкие фигуры энергично подались назад; toshove— пихать, толкать/ся/; отталкивать; уходить). “He’s hurt, I tell you (он ранен, говорят вам). Stand back (отойдите)!”

There was a brief struggle to clear a space (потребовалось некоторое усилие, чтобы освободить место = оттеснить толпу; brief— короткий, непродолжительный), and then the circle of eager faces saw the doctor kneeling (потом круг напряженных лиц увидел = стоявшие кругом увидели, как доктор опустился на колени), as it seemed, fifteen inches in the air (будто повиснув в воздухе в пятнадцати дюймах /от земли/), and holding invisible arms to the ground (и прижал невидимые руки к земле). Behind him a constable gripped invisible ankles (позади него констебль держал невидимые ноги; ankle— лодыжка).

mercy [`mq:sI], stalwart [`stLlwqt], constable [`kAnstqb(q)l]

Down went the heap of struggling men again and rolled over. There was, I am afraid, some savage kicking. Then suddenly a wild scream of “Mercy! Mercy!” that died down swiftly to a sound like choking.

“Get back, you fools!” cried the muffled voice of Kemp, and there was a vigorous shoving back of stalwart forms. “He’s hurt, I tell you. Stand back!”

There was a brief struggle to clear a space, and then the circle of eager faces saw the doctor kneeling, as it seemed, fifteen inches in the air, and holding invisible arms to the ground. Behind him a constable gripped invisible ankles.

“Don’t you leave go of en (не отпускайте его),” cried the big navvy, holding a blood-stained spade (крикнул высокий землекоп, держа окровавленную лопату); “he’s shamming (он прикидывается).”

“He’s not shamming (он не прикидывается),” said the doctor, cautiously raising his knee (сказал доктор, осторожно поднимая колено); “and I’ll hold him (и, /кроме того/, я буду его держать).” His face was bruised and already going red (его лицо было в кровоподтеках и уже начинало гореть и опухать); he spoke thickly because of a bleeding lip (он говорил с трудом из-за /разбитой/, кровоточившей губы). He released one hand and seemed to be feeling at the face (он освободил = поднял одну руку и, казалось, стал ощупывать лицо). “The mouth’s all wet (рот у него весь мокрый),” he said. And then, “Good God (Боже мой)!”

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